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I'm new here!!

Go ahead...all together now.... ------> DUH !! :rofl:

Sometimes I get a little ahead of myself, but the good thing about computers...is you can always go back and erase what you don't want anyone to read.

Erase, Erase!"

Now that I did and I no longer look like a nut case....What?! That didn't work?! :o


Okay, Okay. I'll try to be serious now. I don't want to get on anyone's bad side my first day. :sad:


I'm Elizabeth.

I don't own a scroll saw or any other shop tools. Well, I have a circular saw that sits in the cabinet a lot...and that straight cutting kind...the one that goes slow...and a drill...a couple hammers...a few screws....loose ones... :lol:


So, why am I here you ask?


I just bought myself a new toy. It's a CO2 laser cutter, engraver. I actually began with the thought of being able to use it for sugar items. No health safety concerns like other craft cutters, because nothing actually touches the sugar, only a light beam, and I could cut my own designs. (you know...unlike the kind of crafting machines you spend $300 on, and then another $40,000 on the cartridges to make it work. :eye: )


Well, I can't get the settings low enough to not burn the sugar while still cutting it. So, I started getting some plexiglass scraps from my local glass shop, and walahhh...a new craft is born in my house!

It does the same cuts as a scroll saw, but...embarassingly, I don't have to have the talent you all have. :oops: I just have to know how to program it with the picture I want to cut...and that's been something I've done all my life!....graphics!!

However, the graphics I've done, have to be manipulated so the pieces that are important to the picture, don't just fall out when the laser starts taking over.

But I'm learning! And between school and clinicals right now....I'm learning slowly. :| lol


Well, that's about it. I'm a nut, I like to play, I have a new toy...oh, and two dogs. :thumbs: And I'm glad to be among people who know what they are doing, so I can learn more! :D


Hi Elizabeth. Welcome to the Village. We're glad you found us. I have a Cricut and SCAL. Lots of fun to play with. There's also a couple people who have CNC routers, which is pretty cool. Very similar design approach with each of these hobbies. Anyway, welcome aboard. Jump in and have some fun!


Welcome to the Village.


If you don't mind, what kind of laser cutter do you have and what is the cost approx.


I do wood turning and scrolling a lot and have thought about looking at a laer so that I could enhance my projects what I make but don't know where to start.





  • 11 months later...

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