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2 hours ago, Roberta Moreton said:

Is there supposed to be a picture?  If so, I didn’t get it. 

I  forgot the picture and as soon as I posted it, I tried to edit it in. The program said it was too soon after the post and would not let me post it, so I came back an  hour or so later and was able to do so



2 hours ago, Scrappile said:

Bet is is a nice looking combine!

I  forgot the picture and as soon as I posted it, I tried to edit it in. The program said it was too soon after the post and would not let me post it, so I came back an  hour or so later and was able to do so



1 hour ago, merlin said:

Pictures wood be nice...Later maybe...

I  forgot the picture and as soon as I posted it, I tried to edit it in. The program said it was too soon after the post and would not let me post it, so I came back an  hour or so later and was able to do so



2 hours ago, barb.j.enders said:

You keep saying you can't paint.  Proof is in the picture - you can and it looks great!!

that is so  nice of you to say. It did come out better than I thought it  would, especially under the conditions I had to work with, that being that is was already assembled 



On 8/5/2022 at 8:09 AM, barb.j.enders said:

You keep saying you can't paint.  Proof is in the picture - you can and it looks great!!

Hopefully I can obtain a place in my mind where things look in real as they do in my head, as far as painting  and finishing goes



1 hour ago, rdatelle said:

You did a great job painted that. A lot better than I would do. Did you see the link i left you from don on the Monogram font.

I have not seen the link yet but I will go back and check it out, I seem to get distracted often when I am on my computer and  often overlook things. Thank  you for the heads up.



17 hours ago, heppnerguy said:

I have not seen the link yet but I will go back and check it out, I seem to get distracted often when I am on my computer and  often overlook things. Thank  you for the heads up.



I'll see if I can find it and message it to, you.

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