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Nice work.  I recently needed a decal for a BMW motorcycle plaque.  The cycle was their first production model, so I needed the logo from then.  They have had several over the years.  So, I looked it up on the internet and printed it in color to the size I needed.  I then pasted it to a piece of 1/8" BB plywood, covered it with Hodge Podge, and cut around the perimeter.  This was glued to the plaque.  Worked really well.  You might try that for your team's logo.


11 hours ago, jollyred said:

Nice work.  I recently needed a decal for a BMW motorcycle plaque.  The cycle was their first production model, so I needed the logo from then.  They have had several over the years.  So, I looked it up on the internet and printed it in color to the size I needed.  I then pasted it to a piece of 1/8" BB plywood, covered it with Hodge Podge, and cut around the perimeter.  This was glued to the plaque.  Worked really well.  You might try that for your team's logo.



I don't have a colour printer, or access to one.  I used to do that at work!!!  (shhh - don't let them know).  There are vinyl stickers available online but I don't want to pay the shipping costs.  I will get out to a mall later and look in the stores.


So, I posted an ad on Kijiji and the reply was one of the sports shops was closing out and had a couple of sheets of stickers still available.  Zipped out there.  Got the last sheet of stickers and temporary tatoos.  This one has the temporary tatoo on it.  I still need to put a finish on it.  Very happy - especially because the stickers/tat's were 75% off!


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