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10 hours ago, John B said:

You must be very proud Dick, having your work hung in a public place for all to see.

I did think that was a great place for it to go considering what the piece was all about. I do not know if it is still hanging there or not.



23 hours ago, heppnerguy said:

Here is one I made 7 years ago. I almost forgot all about it. I went to Washington DC with my son and grandson a couple of days after my 75th birthday and my son's 50th  birthday. His birthday is the day after mine.  This is a JGR pattern and the only one I ever made of it. I  gave it to a wonderful person in the little town of Heppner, Oregon, where we lived for 15 years. He was in the Army Intelligence and also the mayor of our town. It humbled him and he thought it would be better seen at City Hall instead of at his house, so he gave it to the city and it  was put up in City Hall. 



tomb of the unknown soldier.PNG

My son was Old Guard at Arlington Cemetary. Thanks for posting.

1 hour ago, heppnerguy said:

amazing. Very few can make that grade and commitment. Only really special people have  the  honor of walking this beat.



The odd thing was, he was the slob of our 4 kids. Never put stuff away and the inside of his car was nothing but sports equip. He went into the Army to get a college education. Four years and out. Then he excelled so much in boot camp that they offered him OCS or the Old Guard. OCS would have meant a 6 year commitment and that was not gonna happen so he opted for Old Guard. He loved it. Spit and polish all the time. They had a press room in every barracks. The guys had to press their uniforms 3 times a day. Now, he manages one of the MLB ballparks. And it is always in pristine condition. Or someone's head will roll. LOL>


18 hours ago, OCtoolguy said:

The odd thing was, he was the slob of our 4 kids. Never put stuff away and the inside of his car was nothing but sports equip. He went into the Army to get a college education. Four years and out. Then he excelled so much in boot camp that they offered him OCS or the Old Guard. OCS would have meant a 6 year commitment and that was not gonna happen so he opted for Old Guard. He loved it. Spit and polish all the time. They had a press room in every barracks. The guys had to press their uniforms 3 times a day. Now, he manages one of the MLB ballparks. And it is always in pristine condition. Or someone's head will roll. LOL>


The life of those people is one of commitment and there is no room for and tom foolery.  Even if there is a hurricane or super cold and icy day, they are there walking their guard duty, day and night. I have a lot of respect for them. Your son certainly proved his worth to you and got his act together and made you proud as a result. Shortly after I got out of my 3 year commitment in the army,(I was in a constant spit & polish paratrooper outfit) I got married and went to work running a chemical warehouse. Because of my military training, I had that warehouse in perfect shape all the time. All the chemicals in their bottles in the warehouse were always clean and label in alphabetical order and facing the isle. All the floors in the building were buffed and shinning like a new silver dollar. I was proud of the place and the  job I was doing.  I can't say that about  myself now as if you were to walk into my shop right now you would think I was the worse slob you had ever met. You might possibly be correct too. I no longer take the time to keep things in order and clean. I have gone back to my youthful way of doing things. sorry to say. I say that I am my worst enemy and that is mostly true.



2 hours ago, heppnerguy said:

The life of those people is one of commitment and there is no room for and tom foolery.  Even if there is a hurricane or super cold and icy day, they are there walking their guard duty, day and night. I have a lot of respect for them. Your son certainly proved his worth to you and got his act together and made you proud as a result. Shortly after I got out of my 3 year commitment in the army,(I was in a constant spit & polish paratrooper outfit) I got married and went to work running a chemical warehouse. Because of my military training, I had that warehouse in perfect shape all the time. All the chemicals in their bottles in the warehouse were always clean and label in alphabetical order and facing the isle. All the floors in the building were buffed and shinning like a new silver dollar. I was proud of the place and the  job I was doing.  I can't say that about  myself now as if you were to walk into my shop right now you would think I was the worse slob you had ever met. You might possibly be correct too. I no longer take the time to keep things in order and clean. I have gone back to my youthful way of doing things. sorry to say. I say that I am my worst enemy and that is mostly true.



It's a lot easier to delegate than do it all yourself. If you could have someone else keep your shop spic & span while you created things, I'll bet your shop would look just like that warehouse.

On 9/6/2022 at 9:53 AM, OCtoolguy said:

It's a lot easier to delegate than do it all yourself. If you could have someone else keep your shop spic & span while you created things, I'll bet your shop would look just like that warehouse.

I did manage to go out to the shop yesterday and it looks a lot better today



On 9/6/2022 at 10:03 AM, Bill WIlson said:

Visited Arlington a few years ago and made it a point to observe a changing of the guard.  I must say that has to be one of the most powerful traditions/ceremonies there is.  Those soldiers who take on that duty are truly a cut above.

They are indeed. they walk in a blizzard in the middle of the night. A true honor to be a part of that team for sure



On 9/8/2022 at 2:51 PM, OCtoolguy said:

It's 104 on our front porch today. We are sweltering and only a mile from the ocean. Not a whisper of air movement. It's not been fun here. I've not ventured out to my shop in over a week.


I am fortunate enough to have a mini split air conditioner in my shop. If I wait until the afternoon and have  not turned it on in the morning it is a little too much for it to get things cooled down enough for me to want to be out there also. Our temperatures have been cooler this summer than most. We have been running low 100's to about 110, which overall is somewhat of a relief from the one hundred along with the higher teens but we also have had some humility here almost all summer which is really rare for here. I have 4 projects waiting for me to finish up and here I am  in my computer room as I anxiously await  my wifes return from Oregon with our girls. She flies in at 10:30 tonight.


3 hours ago, heppnerguy said:

I am fortunate enough to have a mini split air conditioner in my shop. If I wait until the afternoon and have  not turned it on in the morning it is a little too much for it to get things cooled down enough for me to want to be out there also. Our temperatures have been cooler this summer than most. We have been running low 100's to about 110, which overall is somewhat of a relief from the one hundred along with the higher teens but we also have had some humility here almost all summer which is really rare for here. I have 4 projects waiting for me to finish up and here I am  in my computer room as I anxiously await  my wife's return from Oregon with our girls. She flies in at 10:30 tonight.


We've been running our a/c in our home so I hated to run the unit in my shop. Our electric is gonna break the bank this month. 

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