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21 hours ago, Blaughn said:

Good to see you cranking out work again.


Yes sir I was wouldn't have it any other  way.my right arm is getting pretty much useless. Not sure the cause if it's arthritis or from loading my scooter in the car 

On 11/24/2022 at 10:51 PM, Dak0ta52 said:

Thanks for the post, Kevin. Looks like you've been busy... but that isn't anything new for you!

I set my new years resolutions already, things will improve vastly when I start. Yes I'm always changing, thank you friend. I push myself and get nowhere fast!!!

On 11/25/2022 at 8:47 AM, scrollerpete said:

Happy thanksgiving my friend, I see you managed to make more people happy, keep the faith

Yes , I make them happy and it makes me happy too. I like that feeling! I,ve loved but never been loved so this is as close as I can get, besides flirting in the stores!!. On employee in the grocery store makes it a point to converse with me, she's married but has a personality of gold. Her exuberance overwhelms me big time! She makes up for all the the ones that could care less about me!!!. The store she works at, employees tell me I'm famous there because of all the scroll saw gifts I give!!! I never expected such a great comment!!! 

On 11/25/2022 at 9:22 AM, meflick said:

Good to see you back visiting the Village Kevin. Even better to see your fine lettering projects. Looks like you have been busy.

Ralph Datelle has me cutting with small blades, #5 and under. I,m so used to useing ,#7-#9-and #12 blades. I'm glad you like what I do!!! Thank you!!!

On 11/25/2022 at 3:14 PM, rjweb said:

Good to see you making saw dust Kevin, how you feeling, RJ 

I feel good it,s just no ambition and I have 2 big big jobs to do  and my printer died on me. Always surprises, especially when it's needed now.40 ornaments and a bunch of religious items. I cut the ornaments  with out the names before the printer let me down.

13 hours ago, amazingkevin said:

Why thank you, and you owe me a sailboat ride by the way. I hope it's on a jeneau Trinidad with a flat top. Keep sailing!!!

I would love a ride on a Jeneau!  I don't have a sailboat anymore - we have a Carver 3807!  

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