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Just coming on board. Been out of the country for a couple of years. My, how things have changed. All my old Webb addresses no longer exist. As I was looking for some familiar ones I ran across you-all I used to have a DeWalt but now I'm looking for a new saw. Anyone have information pro/con on the Hegner? I have about 10 years experience scrolling, mostly military occupational badges. Would like to start doing some of Jeff Zeffano’s patterns. Would appreciate a couple of current links to some of the other scroll saw sites. Anyway, here I am.




Welcome aboard, Dock! I think you'll have a lot of fun here. I'm glad you're getting back behind the saw. Jeff's designs are awesome. I have my eye on a few of them myself. Be sure to check out the Pattern Library. Lots of great designs there too. You can find a lot of links in Scroll Saw Goodies. There's a lot of projects there and is a pretty good directory of what's available on the net. Anyway, welcome to the Village. Jump in and have some fun. I look forward to seeing some of your work.

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