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I’m back

Ron Johnson

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19 hours ago, wombatie said:

Welcome back Ron, we have missed your smiling face.  Hope all is good with your health now and it is firmly behind you.  Have a Merry Christmas my friend.


Thanks Marg. It’s great to be back and good to hear from some old friends. A very Merry Christmas to you and family. 

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10 hours ago, Jim McDonald said:

Good to see you back online.

I pulled the plug at 65 due to heart attack and the nature of the work. Haven't looked back. 

Thanks Jim. It’s great to be back and communicate again with some very special friends. A very Merry Christmas to you and family. 

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8 hours ago, barb.j.enders said:

Welcome back.  I retired in April and like William, no regrets.  Seeing everyone's (who commented) age, I feel like a baby (62, just)

Thanks Barb. You’re a babe in amongst us old farts… Lol. It’s great to be back and communicate again with some great friends. A very Merry Christmas to you and family. 

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