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I recieved these gifts from my secret santa the other day. The carvings are very cool, the golf ball especially :thumbs: . I don't golf but I have it on my desk. The other carving and ornaments were given to my wife to hang on the tree. So I wanted to send a BIG THANK YOU to Santa :santa:

Glad you like them, I do more carving then scrolling, have to practice my turns. There are some great scroller's here

and I am not up to their standards yet.



They are all great, thanks again. would you mind sharing you secret on how you got the golf ball apart.


For golf balls, I made a little jig for my bandsaw. I took a 2 x 4 x 8" long, in center, cut a round golfball shape in center. In the center of that I bandsawed a 1/8" deep relief. I set the blade to float just outside of this relief and clamp the 2 x 4 to my table. I turn the golf balls by hand against the blade, it can float in and out, cuts slowly, you need to bump around and set it. Not as hard as it sounds. I do two turns, 2nd cut is cleaning out some of the melted ball. Then dremel out the melted ball to clean the groove. Two screw drivers work off one of the half covers. I do about 10 or 15 at a time, so have a bank and fill in carving. I have about 20 carved right now, (I give them away usually when I have people over) and 10 more waiting for me when I want to carve something different. I am trying to master Inkscape so I can do my own patterns but, have a devil of a time with the lettering. Trying to separate letters. Keep forgetting how to do it. Getting old I guess.

Jim B

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