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Jim, that is a beautifully executed work of art.  I have done a number of Sheila Landry's plaques and they are so well designed.

I have avoided oak as, early on, I found that with 3/8" thick stock it was more inclined to break at those critically thin "drop-out bridges".  I have settled on cherry but in doing so the cost of the work has ramped up.  I suspect that early-on in scrolling, my rather ham-fisted technique was more the problem than the wood......

By the way, I played around with designing a plaque featuring the Bretons Fisherman's Prayer and could not come up with a design that pleased me.  I sent the text to their website and Keith came up with this: 

Fisherman's Prayer Scroll Saw Pattern

As a Naval Aviator catapulted off the ship in a blue water (no land in sight horizon-to-horizon and no land within reach of your fuel capacity) I experienced first hand the sobering reality behind that piece.

Keep cutting!!!!!


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