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Good evening, I am brand new on here...I currently own an old 16" delta that is really on its last legs..... Anyway, I have been fretting for days about which scroll saw to purchase, It was between a used 220vs hawk ultra and a Green Excalibur 21 (pics below).  The hawk is $125 - when I turned it on at higher speeds it rattled like a freight train and I notice the rear tension handle was non existant.  The guy selling it is a Home rental manager and new nothing about it.  The saw had no rust but was covered in sawdust but other than that looked pretty good.  He said the owner ended up going into assisted living.  The other saw is a really nice Excalibur is $350.  The elderly owner who is a wood worker, bought it new for his daughter years ago and She had only used it for 20 hrs or less. It has been in storage since.  It looks like new and is in beautiful condition.  I read almost every post on here about both of them...(loved the insight from Scrappy, A toolguy, a mickey mouse picture person, a clown picture person and many others- my apologies for not remembering names correctly!)  Anyway, I am thinking of going for the Green Ex 21 because I am afraid if the Hawk's rear tension handle is gone, what else may be wrong with it even though it looks to be a good price and it does turn on/off and the variable speed works. I called the Hawk place (Had another name) and they do carry the parts for $45ish.  I would really like to hear what you think.   Thank you ahead of time 🙂




I have the same EX-21 and it is now 12 years old and used everyday and it still great.  I replaced the blade holders with the Pegas holders but not sure it was required.

The new King EX-21 is the same machine but is $1,000 in USA and 1,200+ in Canada.

If it was here I would jump at it.




Welcome from the Eastern side of the state.  You do not say but looking at the saws' location you are looking at You must be on the other side of the mountains.  Either you already picked up that Excalibur, or someone has, I don't see it listed anymore... Looked like a nice saw that had been well cared for.  If it got sold and it wasn't you that bought it, do not worry there are lots of saws listed.  Several nice looking Hawk  saws and a real nice looking 18" Hegner ( I think it is a little overpriced for a 18") but still a lot cheaper than a new one.  Wished you lived on my side of the mountains, We could get a small group going.  There are two other guys that live about 40 miles from me and we keep in touch and get together a couple times a year.  We have a great time.  Any welcome to the village.  Looking forward to getting to know you and the work you do.


Welcome from Ohio! I'd buy both. The Hawk probably is a cheap repair and reliable machine. When I retire I'll probably get a second saw but I don't do enough now to justify it. Good luck on your venture and don't fret about the saws.


I only know the Hawk by reputation, having never actually used one.  I have an EX-21, a few years newer than the one you posted.  

Of the two, I would lean toward the EX, based on my acknowledged bias as well as the price and condition you describe.  Also, in my opinion, the Excalibur design (from which the Dewalt, Seyco, King, Excelsior and Pegas were all derived) is very user friendly and the learning curve should be short.


Thank you all!  I am unsure how to reply to each individual but yes I bought the Ex 21 and am sleeping well now.  I posted this Intro on Friday evening... I think... and it got stuck in the system so I didn't want to lose my chance at the purchase of either....so after fretting a little more I bought it over the weekend....had to drive 2 hours to get it....I am sooo happy with the Ex-21.  There isn't a scratch on it and am so looking forward to really using it.  I need to lower the stand first though ...so hope to do that today and start practicing on the curves, straight lines, etc. 

  • Denny, isn't the 30th anniversary edition the really pretty one?  I did read a lot of folks replaced the holders with "Pegas" ones, but not sure why.
  • Don, Glad to hear this green one is a good one.  It reminds me of my sewing machine actually, rather than the jack hammer that my old Delta is.  Prior to this, I used my Delta like a table saw, router, etc.... including using it for making lams, treadles, heddles and finger and tenon joinery for a weaving loom that was falling apart. Now I would like to use my new saw for cutting out designs and other uses I read about on this forum.  So excited!
  • Scrappile (aka Scrappy to me 🙂) I  do live on the dry side of the Cascades ...  I would love to touch bases with you sometime... not sure how to go about doing that though. 
  • Dan, I had considered buying both but I thought someone else would like the other one and be able to work on it and since I am really a newbie to real scroll sawing, I didn't really need two.   
  • Bill, the ease of using it was one of the things I did read about on this forum and so that was also a reason I chose it.

I remember reading one of the older posts that there are some templates available online for practice...does anyone know where I might find those.  Thanks again to all of you for making me feel better about my purchase. 😊 mc


Welcome to the village Marie. This is Jerry from Colorado and have been a member for 2 years. You will find the members here very helpful and are very willing to help. Scrolling wood and scrolling through this web site are very addictive.



Welcome, Marie, from North Carolina. I'm sure you'll be happy with the EX21. I started with a WEN 16-inch and have used it now for 2-years. I've ordered a Pegas but have to wait until another shipment arrives. I heard February, then March, and now I've heard it may be July. This link, Practice Cutting Guide | Scroll Saw Paradise is a test cut pattern. I believe that is what you were asking for in your comment. Youi may also check out Steve Good's catalog for some patterns. He probably has around 3000 available online in PFD format that you can download. His patterns are anywhere from easy to moderately difficult. Scroll Saw Workshop Catalog (stevedgood.com) He also has a blog site that provides a lot of scrolling information as well as reviews on different products. You'll find him to be very knowledgeable about anything scroll saw. Looking forward to seeing you work. Remember, we like seeing pictures. And don't forget to ask questions. Besides Steve Good, there are a lot of very knowledgeable people right here on this forum.


Welcome to the Village Marie.  Glad you got the Ex21, I have had one for quite a few years now and I love it.  I also have a DeWalt.  Enjoy scrolling.


20 hours ago, MarieC said:

Thank you all!  I am unsure how to reply to each individual but yes I bought the Ex 21 and am sleeping well now.  I posted this Intro on Friday evening... I think... and it got stuck in the system so I didn't want to lose my chance at the purchase of either....so after fretting a little more I bought it over the weekend....had to drive 2 hours to get it....I am sooo happy with the Ex-21.  There isn't a scratch on it and am so looking forward to really using it.  I need to lower the stand first though ...so hope to do that today and start practicing on the curves, straight lines, etc. 

  • Denny, isn't the 30th anniversary edition the really pretty one?  I did read a lot of folks replaced the holders with "Pegas" ones, but not sure why.
  • Don, Glad to hear this green one is a good one.  It reminds me of my sewing machine actually, rather than the jack hammer that my old Delta is.  Prior to this, I used my Delta like a table saw, router, etc.... including using it for making lams, treadles, heddles and finger and tenon joinery for a weaving loom that was falling apart. Now I would like to use my new saw for cutting out designs and other uses I read about on this forum.  So excited!
  • Scrappile (aka Scrappy to me 🙂) I  do live on the dry side of the Cascades ...  I would love to touch bases with you sometime... not sure how to go about doing that though. 
  • Dan, I had considered buying both but I thought someone else would like the other one and be able to work on it and since I am really a newbie to real scroll sawing, I didn't really need two.   
  • Bill, the ease of using it was one of the things I did read about on this forum and so that was also a reason I chose it.

I remember reading one of the older posts that there are some templates available online for practice...does anyone know where I might find those.  Thanks again to all of you for making me feel better about my purchase. 😊 mc

John Nelson's Scroll Saw Workbook is an excellent resource beginners.


10 hours ago, Ron Johnson said:

Welcome from CANADA Marie. I truly believe you’ve made the correct decision. I have the Ex 30 which has served me well for over 24 years and is still going strong. You got yourself a steal of a deal. 

Awww, thank you.  I home mine last as long!  Glad to hear that was a good buy as well.  mc

On 2/10/2023 at 5:06 PM, Scroll-N-Skydiver said:

Hi Marie, welcome from another newbie on there too. I wish I could have found a great saw like that when starting out. You are going to love that machine! Have you started cutting some pieces yet?

Welcome to you as well!  I haven't started yet.  But hope to this week.  I have been finishing up other projects.  I am going to start with just practicing turns the Dak0ta sent me a link to, then I am going to cut out a simple design for a cutting board....Not too fancy but I thought I would start something easy that will lead to success.  I also need to get a high stool that is comfortable... as the one I have is an old wooden stool that isn't very comfortable.  I am excited to use the EX 21. :)

On 2/10/2023 at 8:07 PM, LarryEA said:

Welcome !!!

I have 2 Delta 40-694's,  Bought new in late 90's

Used extensively until last year because I got too old to scroll.

Still run like new.

Great saws

I have no idea how old my Delta is.   I can't even remember when we go it.  Probably the early 90's.  But I used it to cut everything since it was my really first woodworking tool.  I made things that you shouldn't make with a scroll saw but they all came out pretty good, that was one tough saw.  Now I have other saws and will only use the Ex 21 for just scrolling.  I am sorry to hear you are too old to scroll....I am hoping to do scrolling for as long as possible.  Doing the other type of woodworking like Cabinet making is really getting tough as I am not very strong even though I do my exercises.   Wishing you the best ...mc

  • 1 month later...
On 2/6/2023 at 3:30 PM, MarieC said:

Thank you all!  I am unsure how to reply to each individual but yes I bought the Ex 21 and am sleeping well now.  I posted this Intro on Friday evening... I think... and it got stuck in the system so I didn't want to lose my chance at the purchase of either....so after fretting a little more I bought it over the weekend....had to drive 2 hours to get it....I am sooo happy with the Ex-21.  There isn't a scratch on it and am so looking forward to really using it.  I need to lower the stand first though ...so hope to do that today and start practicing on the curves, straight lines, etc. 

  • Denny, isn't the 30th anniversary edition the really pretty one?  I did read a lot of folks replaced the holders with "Pegas" ones, but not sure why.
  • Don, Glad to hear this green one is a good one.  It reminds me of my sewing machine actually, rather than the jack hammer that my old Delta is.  Prior to this, I used my Delta like a table saw, router, etc.... including using it for making lams, treadles, heddles and finger and tenon joinery for a weaving loom that was falling apart. Now I would like to use my new saw for cutting out designs and other uses I read about on this forum.  So excited!
  • Scrappile (aka Scrappy to me 🙂) I  do live on the dry side of the Cascades ...  I would love to touch bases with you sometime... not sure how to go about doing that though. 
  • Dan, I had considered buying both but I thought someone else would like the other one and be able to work on it and since I am really a newbie to real scroll sawing, I didn't really need two.   
  • Bill, the ease of using it was one of the things I did read about on this forum and so that was also a reason I chose it.

I remember reading one of the older posts that there are some templates available online for practice...does anyone know where I might find those.  Thanks again to all of you for making me feel better about my purchase. 😊 mc

I just thought I would tell you my little story. I lived in Southern Oregon for 15 years and made it a point to contact 'Scrappile' and made arrangments with him to meet for lunch, just so we could meet each other and swap some stories. Six years ago I moved from Eastern Oregon to Southern Arizona. I have two daughters still living in the town we moved from so we do get up there a couple times of the year. Whenever I get an opportunity to go to Tri Cities, I make a point to go visit Paul. We have become really good friends and I cherish whatever time I can have with him. Take the time to contact  Paul and set up a visit. I guarantee you it will be worth it. You will love looking at some of his fabulous scrolling as well. He is fantastic.





Congratulations an the EX.  May I suggest you go to Pinterest and Type in Silhouettes and print out some to practice your curves on (they are make great magnets and ornaments).  I chose the ones in the picture below so I could also sharpen up on my curves.  Mickey and Snoopy are a good example,

Snoopy, Mickey, Donald, Chicken and Dragon Ornaments 3-17-2023 .JPG

13 hours ago, heppnerguy said:

Take the time to contact  Paul and set up a visit. I guarantee you it will be worth it. You will love looking at some of his fabulous scrolling as well. He is fantastic.



Thanks Dick, It would be hard to leave Oregon...beautiful state.....I do plan to visit Paul if I head down that way.  I have a good friend who lives in his neck of the woods so when I visit her, I will see if he is around.  He has been very helpful to me already.  Thanks again:)  mc

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, ChelCass said:

Congratulations an the EX.  May I suggest you go to Pinterest and Type in Silhouettes and print out some to practice your curves on (they are make great magnets and ornaments).  


Thank you.  I love your dragon!  I have been practicing hearts lately...will hopefully finish a box with a heart in it soon.  I know it isn't much but it is a start.  Here is one of my more recent hearts.  It has been difficult cutthing through 5/8 - 3/4 hard wood but with suggestions from folks on here, I have done better...the heart is made out of "Red Heart" which is crazy hard.  This is now my second attempt at these and this set is much better than my first.  These cutting boards will be going to my Nephew and his fiance for their upcoming wedding.  🙂20230311_151306.thumb.jpg.e39aefcf94f8293e8ef8740da5e077bd.jpg20230311_151125.thumb.jpg.bb572a0c489788ec5180fbed903e89a9.jpg


Edited by MarieC

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