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Well as promised here are some of my wooden models, I,m gonna have to do some touchup on the AWACS Plane, the black stripe needs some looking too. Can't really afford plastic models nowadays, Have you seen the price of those things?๐Ÿคจ. Far higher than when I was a boy, so I decided to make my own. Some I will sell, some I will keep. I am working on some newer jets, and planing on getting out my old Star Trek Model Instructions and see what I can do with The Voyager and The Defiant.๐Ÿ˜‰

PLANES 1.jpg

PLANES 2.jpg

PLANES 3.jpg

PLANES 4.jpg

PLANES 5.jpg

19 hours ago, daveww1 said:

terrific work, I build model cars. I still have a few hundred to put together.

I Envy you, You must have been buying them for sometime. I have many passions, and model car truck ship space and other, is one of them. if you need some help send a few my way.๐Ÿ˜‰

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