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Normally I use 1/4” poplar ply to cut my puzzles, etc.  I decided to try PureBond's 1/4” plywood project panels for some military plaques I’m making and twice in a row I was 3-4 hours in when I hit a void in the core 😬  Hopefully I can salvage them but am totally frustrated with these panels.  Back to the 5-ply poplar for me!

6 hours ago, Dave Monk said:

I've never seen poplar ply. Where do you get it?

Dave, I get 16"x24" panels from Cherry Tree

1/4" Poplar Plywood | Cherry Tree Toys

I physically can't handle full sheets of plywood anymore, so these work out well for me.  As with buying any wood product on-line the shipping is a killer, but as your piece count goes up the cost/sheet goes down. I cut 100+ puzzles/year and have never had an issue with core voids with this product.  Additionally I've found that it's much easier to cut than BB and easier on blades.

3 hours ago, BadBob said:

Are the cores poplar?

Bob, according to their description all 5 plys are poplar.

6 hours ago, Gene Howe said:

Our HD, Lowes and local hardwood suppliers carry poplar ply in 4X8X5mm sheets.

I'd be careful with plywood from the big box stores.  Their 1/4" plywood typically has a single ply core.  This is what burned me on my military plaques.

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