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Hi, I'm back. I honestly have no idea what happened since I joined in 2017, came back again in 2019, went thru Covid, layoff, re-employment, and now into semi-retirement. Anyway, my shop is now reorganized and my Delta scroll saw repositioned by the basement egress window and I am hoping to do more scrolling. Did a Steve Good pattern yesterday and it was a lot of fun. See attached. Gotta work on my finishing skills. One thing I learned: I'm shooting for smooth lines rather than getting hung up on following the lines exactly. Like everyone says, once the pattern is off no one knows where the line was anyway, and people who look at it don't know that either. Hopefully I'll get better with practice and keep my mind sharp. Thanks for still being here.



Thanks for the re-welcome! Yeah, Covid. There is a word I hope will be stricken from the lexicon. The best thing about being laid off and locked up for 8 months was that it prepared my wife and I for what life would be lile during retirement. We used that time to figure it out, and it was actually quite nice. There were many blessing along with the weirdness of it all, and the Lord got us thru.

You know, I thought I would do a lot more woodworking during that time, but the motivation was just not there. Anyway, good to be back and good to be scrolling again.


Welcome back, Doug. I have to add this as I used to have way more line following for years. I didn't have problems with going off line and then trying to correct it quickly, leaving behind a lot of sanding to smooth out the crooked lines later. My problem was I felt really good about being able to cut a pattern really fast while doing quite well following the line, most of the time. I started doing a lot of difficult fret work and as a result I finally begin to slow way down and take time doing my projects. What used to take me one hour to cut, now might take me 3 hours to cut. I let go of the idea that I was liking finishing fast and now I learned to enjoy my time as I cut and the result is more satisfying in the long run. So my advice, should you want it, learn through my years of scrolling, to slow way down and take your time. It is not a race at the saw.

   You did quite well, by the way on your project. It isn't easy to get on the saw after a long break. Hope to see a lot more projects from you too.




Welcome back Doug, I am one of the newbies...very new... but working on just sawing lines (which often have a mind of their own!) ...will look forward to seeing your work!  :)

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