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8 hours ago, Dak0ta52 said:

Awesome job, Barb. I'm sure you didn't knock that out at one sitting!

Nope.Β  It did take a couple of weeks.Β  Saw was down for about a week before I went out and got a new one.Β  Also had a few other things that are needing to get done.


3 hours ago, don watson said:

That is a real beauty. Very well done. Where do you source your Walrus Oil ?? hope no animals were hurt lol

No animals were hurt.Β  I purchased the Walrus Oil at a local shop, Professional Grinding.Β  I like that there is no odour when using it.Β  I would have liked it to be thinner to be able to dip/soak puzzle pieces.

19 hours ago, Phantom Scroller said:

Barb they looks very good love it, did you run out of red paint on that chest or is it my eyes. :thumbs:Β Roly

Not sure what you are talking about.Β  The white section at the bottom is intentional.Β  That is how it was done in the magazine.

2 hours ago, Phantom Scroller said:

MyΒ  apologises Barb they're not really red breast are they.Β Β 

robin red breast.jpg

No apologies needed.Β  The North American Robin looks quite different the the UK robin.Β  Β Here in Winnipeg, we don't see them in the winter.Β  They usually start showing up mid to late April.


22 hours ago, barb.j.enders said:

No apologies needed.Β  The North American Robin looks quite different the the UK robin.Β  Β Here in Winnipeg, we don't see them in the winter.Β  They usually start showing up mid to late April.


They are beautiful birds Barb I have a few in my garden always fighting very territorial .:thumbs:Β Roly

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