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5 hours ago, Scrappile said:

There is another video of this showing more on building the tiny parts.  It is rather lengthy, I didn't sit through it all but it makes this even more amazing. Those working pistons are tiny and as are the gears.  The young mans voice sounds just like the voice of the guy that has the woodgears.ca site.  wonder if their brains are related.

I did see there were additional videos too, but I just wanted to share this short one as I did not  want to have those that stumbled onto it, to be turned off by the link because there is just so much interesting and amazing things this kid has done. I am glad you shared that too because now if anyone's desire to dive further into this subject, they are aware of the other videos and have a choice to see them if they wish. Thanks for bringing it to the attention of others that may wish to explore further on this guys work.



3 hours ago, OCtoolguy said:

I just went to find the one you mentioned Paul and found this one also. Give it a watch. This guy has waaaay to  much patience. I could never undertake anything like this and complete it. Enjoy.


there are several other videos of this nature on YouTube. They pretty much are all mind  blowers. Hard to believe some have that much skill, desire and time to made these beautifully done projects



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