Travis Posted April 14, 2023 Report Posted April 14, 2023 Hi All. I'm updating and organizing SSV and I'm looking for some feedback. I want to go through the forums and clean it up a bit. I would love to hear what you have to say. Thank you for your time. Without you, SSV is nothing but a bunch of code sitting on a big dumb server. New Patterns & Requests - I'm thinking of combining New Pattern Announcements and Pattern Requests into a single forum. I still prefer folks to upload patterns to the Pattern Library and link it. But I don't see a need for two separate forums since they're basically serving the same function. Scroller's Q&A - I might change the format of this forum. It's supposed to act similarly to Reddit or a support board where members upvote the best answer when folks have a question. But I don't think anybody really uses the upvote function. I guess I need feedback on two questions I have. Should I keep it as a separate forum for a quick Q&A for those new to the hobby? Or should I fold it into the General Scroll Saw forum, which often gets used to answer questions? Business Side - I'm trying to decide whether to keep this section as a part of the main forum, or move it to the Groups area of SSV. On one hand, there is good information for folks who sell their wares. But on the other hand, it may not be interesting to general members. If I move it to the Groups section, it will only be available to Silver and Gold SSV Patrons who are interested in the subject matter. It would be a good way to encourage new Patrons and keep the website paying for itself. But I also don't want to take away something that was free from folks who find it interesting and valuable. Other Woodworks - I'm also considering moving this to the Groups area of SSV, since it is off-topic. Currently, in the groups section, we have a section for woodturners, crafters, and laser/cnc. So this would fit in with the Groups section nicely. But it is a fun place to show off your other woodworking projects. Hot Deals & Announcements - I'm planning on changing the title to "Hot Deals, Buy, Sell, & Trade". If you can think of a better title, I'm open to suggestions. Coffee House - I'm not changing anything! I need a place to drink my coffee and read my jokes. lawson56, Tbow388, Jim McDonald and 4 others 6 1 Quote
Jim Finn Posted April 14, 2023 Report Posted April 14, 2023 Question and answers forum is one that I like and I always go there first. Quote
preprius Posted April 14, 2023 Report Posted April 14, 2023 (edited) For Q and A it might need just a bit more advice on how to use it. What is expected from the readers. I use my phone 99% of the time and go to recent activity. So my head does not check the category. Thus I forget it is for voting on best answer. Edited April 14, 2023 by preprius Quote
Scrappile Posted April 14, 2023 Report Posted April 14, 2023 (edited) I always open this forum so it shows all the activity I that is new since the last time I was on. I mark every thing as read before I leave each time so when I come back I only see new stuff. So I see anything added to any forum. Really nothing of what you suggest here is going to personally impact me and none of it sounds bad. I do see where, if I understand it the one on patterns, seem like the pattern library will get filled with pattern that a specific to one member and no one else would use them. I mean I would not cut a pattern of someone else's mother-in-law. Maybe I am miss reading your suggestion. Edited April 14, 2023 by Scrappile rafairchild2 1 Quote
FrankEV Posted April 14, 2023 Report Posted April 14, 2023 I like the way we (colective) use the Q&A. I don't think it needs the upvote part. There arre always a ton of varied answers to a specific question. Most of which are usually valid...just from different prespectives. The individual asking the Question gets to use the information that best suits his/her needs. It is a great way to learn about a specific concern one might have. The General Scroll Saw Forum is a better location to provide; nswers/suggestions/guidence/technical information/etc. to a general topic before a questions is even asked. A place where "general" information if offered to the whole comunity rather than just an individual. So, In my opinion, both are needed but the upvote could well be eliminated. Gene Howe, MarieC and Hawk 3 Quote
don watson Posted April 14, 2023 Report Posted April 14, 2023 My first port of call is the Coffee House. I then work my way up the forums from there. Other Woodworks is a waste in my opinion as there are other places on the site like the Groups area if people want to post questions and answers on there or just show off their various works. Personally Hot Deals and Announcements are no use to me as I live in the UK and that forum is all in the USA. Scrollers Q & A could be renamed Newbies Q & A and used by newbies who may need a quick answer occasionally to get them going. You could ask if the Business Side would be any use to those members that sell their goodies. I have had a look in there occasionally but it is really of no interest to me. Finally it looks as if I am quite content to just let the site continue as is and will go along with any changes you wish to make. Gene Howe 1 Quote
Gene Howe Posted April 14, 2023 Report Posted April 14, 2023 I'm still a newbie. This site is an outstanding resource the way it is. But. If you and others see a need to change things, I'll not complain. don watson 1 Quote
Tbow388 Posted April 14, 2023 Report Posted April 14, 2023 I say that whatever you do, I will be happy with. Gene Howe and don watson 2 Quote
lawson56 Posted April 14, 2023 Report Posted April 14, 2023 New Patterns and Requests, I agree with that move, Scrollers Q&A It will take some getting use to, but I could get use to, I would roll it over. I would leave Buss, Side alone. Other Woodworks I haven't used it that much,sorry, so that move sounds good. The Name change sounds Fantastic! Quote
new2woodwrk Posted April 14, 2023 Report Posted April 14, 2023 IMO - The Q & A section is not used nearly enough and as you explain most questions are asked in General. Folding it into the General seems fine to me. I would keep the voting however in case it starts getting used Bus. Side - tough one. Possible to do a "so many views" feature before having to pay? I don't know, it's hard to take something away once it's been given. Other Woodworks - can be moved with little frustration Hot Deals... - Name change seems fine, don't really have a suggestion on that Coffee House - On of my fav areas Quote
kmmcrafts Posted April 15, 2023 Report Posted April 15, 2023 Most times I overlook the Q&A because the General section gets the majority of the questions so I agree if you merge it into the General section. Business side would be fine with me either way, part of me likes the idea of a isolated group and hidden from the main forums. I purposely post things on there just to spark up some business talk. Other woodworks, I check it out from time to time but not a lot and I'd be fine with this moved into the groups section as well. Like the name change for the hot deals section too. I guess I'm good with all the possible changes but I suppose it'll depend on how many might upgrade memberships to access those groups. Quote
Dak0ta52 Posted April 15, 2023 Report Posted April 15, 2023 Combining the pattern forums seems like the logical thing to do. I never look at the ratings of the answers (upvotes) in the Q and A section. I simply read through the answers. If I feel I have something that could be added, I'll make a post. While I do enjoy reading through the Business forum, I very rarely make a post there because I'm not selling on any platform other than word of mouth and maybe a yard sale or occasional craft show. I do like when posters refer to items that sell. While I'm not into scrolling to earn a living, I do enjoy the occasional sell to help support the hobby. I'm planning on giving support to the Village forum and even if it was moved to groups, it wouldn't be an issue. Again, Other Woodworking is a forum I enjoy because I get to see some of the beautiful creations some of our master craftsmen have made. I like the new name change for Hot Deals and Announcements. Regardless of what anyone in the forum likes, I believe Travis should do whatever is necessary to make the Village easy to operate as an administrator. To me it seems he puts a lot of work into this forum and I'm sure it requires a lot of his time. Other scroll saw forums do not have near the traffic as the Village. Gene Howe and don watson 2 Quote
ChelCass Posted April 15, 2023 Report Posted April 15, 2023 I believe any changes you wish to make will work well. I always start at the top of the page and work my way down. Before I leave I check the Birthdays and post any active members birthday. Is it possible to delete the inactive members? We have people who joined one day and never checked in again and we have people who stayed a year or so only to vanish. I thought that might clean up some space...................maybe not. Just a thought. Before I leave I mark site read so that when I come back I only see new messages. Quote
barb.j.enders Posted April 15, 2023 Report Posted April 15, 2023 I always sort by the "unread content" and then go through the content. Even though I don't sell, other than a craft sale or two, but I do like looking through the business section. Hot Deals & announcements is generally never good for me as they seem to be US specific. I find that I get more responses to a question in the General section, not the Q&A area. Quote
meflick Posted April 15, 2023 Report Posted April 15, 2023 (edited) On 4/14/2023 at 3:20 PM, Travis said: Hi All. I'm updating and organizing SSV and I'm looking for some feedback. I want to go through the forums and clean it up a bit. I would love to hear what you have to say. Thank you for your time. Without you, SSV is nothing but a bunch of code sitting on a big dumb server. New Patterns & Requests - I'm thinking of combining New Pattern Announcements and Pattern Requests into a single forum. I still prefer folks to upload patterns to the Pattern Library and link it. But I don't see a need for two separate forums since they're basically serving the same function. Scroller's Q&A - I might change the format of this forum. It's supposed to act similarly to Reddit or a support board where members upvote the best answer when folks have a question. But I don't think anybody really uses the upvote function. I guess I need feedback on two questions I have. Should I keep it as a separate forum for a quick Q&A for those new to the hobby? Or should I fold it into the General Scroll Saw forum, which often gets used to answer questions? Business Side - I'm trying to decide whether to keep this section as a part of the main forum, or move it to the Groups area of SSV. On one hand, there is good information for folks who sell their wares. But on the other hand, it may not be interesting to general members. If I move it to the Groups section, it will only be available to Silver and Gold SSV Patrons who are interested in the subject matter. It would be a good way to encourage new Patrons and keep the website paying for itself. But I also don't want to take away something that was free from folks who find it interesting and valuable. Other Woodworks - I'm also considering moving this to the Groups area of SSV, since it is off-topic. Currently, in the groups section, we have a section for woodturners, crafters, and laser/cnc. So this would fit in with the Groups section nicely. But it is a fun place to show off your other woodworking projects. Hot Deals & Announcements - I'm planning on changing the title to "Hot Deals, Buy, Sell, & Trade". If you can think of a better title, I'm open to suggestions. Coffee House - I'm not changing anything! I need a place to drink my coffee and read my jokes. New Patterns and Requests - my only concern would be that by combining these two, that we might risk “ requests” being lost behind new patterns being shared. I would hate to see folks requests get “lost or missed.” Since you would prefer that new patterns that are shared be posted to the pattern library, do you need them posted elsewhere for others to see beyond the library? If only posted in library, perhaps folks start looking in library more. Scroller’s Q&A- while I understood your goal in creating this section, as you noted, it really doesn’t get used as intended and most questions can be asked in the General sub-forum since most folks use that to ask questions. Business Side - while I don’t sell or have a business for scrolling projects, I do read this sub-forum when items are posted there. I would think it would be better to keep it in the “open” area of the Village rather than to a “closed” section like groups. While it may not have information that interests a lot of members, I think most members just skip over what they don’t have any interest in but that it contains good information that newer scrollers might be interested in reading especially if they are thinking about selling now or later. I also understand the need to have the website paying for it’s self but so few seem to use the “Groups” section I don’t know that moving this or “other woodworks” would expand Silver and Gold patrons so they can gain access. I think it would most likely just mean less people can see this information. Other Woodworks - As noted, you sort of have some of the main categories of “other” types covered in the Groups section. However, not everyone can access that area unless they are a silver or a gold patron. I don’t think moving this would add new patrons. I view this sub-forum as more of a “bragging” area for other types of woodworking others might want to share. I would hate to see it lost only to those who are paying a little extra to see the Groups. I would prefer that we kept this one and perhaps grow the Groups area by adding other types of specific Groups like Marquetry and others. By growing the Groups section with more specific type groups, I think you would have a better opportunity to see growth in the patrons who want access to it and willing to pay a little to see it by having specific groups that appeal to them. I do think “Groups” is kinda lost and not many find or know about it. Even though I am a member, I have to think and remember to go look at it. I think it’s kinda hidden as it is now. Hot Deals & Announcements - maybe just “Buy, Sale, Trade” is sufficient as a title Coffee House - good call I understand the need to streamline and to monetize to have the Village being paid for so clearly I would support anything you feel is needed to keep the Village up, running smoothly and accessible to as many as possible. I pay the few dollars to be a patron, not for access to the Extra “”Groups” but simply to try and help keep the lights on here. If we are not covering the costs to do so, I’m sure others would want to help if they knew we needed to increase what we pay, or have a way to make $ donations. we just need you to keep us informed of what we can do to help. Edited April 16, 2023 by meflick Typo Quote
TorinoDan Posted April 17, 2023 Report Posted April 17, 2023 I don't post much, but I read a lot. I generally skim through and read what sounds interesting to me from the unread content since the last time I was on. I then mark the site as read before I leave. Most of what you purpose works for me, but I do hope you choose to leave the business side available as is. Thanks for what you do! Quote
JessL Posted April 19, 2023 Report Posted April 19, 2023 I'm new and like it as is, but also fine with the changes you mentioned above. Whatever makes your life easier with running this forum. Just please don't get rid of "unread content" as that is my first stop. Quote
Travis Posted April 19, 2023 Author Report Posted April 19, 2023 Thanks everybody for your comments so far. I'd like to get a bit more feedback, even if you're just a lurker. I probably won't make any decisions or changes until Monday. Quote
Bill WIlson Posted April 19, 2023 Report Posted April 19, 2023 On 4/14/2023 at 3:53 PM, Scrappile said: I always open this forum so it shows all the activity I that is new since the last time I was on. I mark every thing as read before I leave each time so when I come back I only see new stuff. So I see anything added to any forum. Really nothing of what you suggest here is going to personally impact me and none of it sounds bad. I do see where, if I understand it the one on patterns, seem like the pattern library will get filled with pattern that a specific to one member and no one else would use them. I mean I would not cut a pattern of someone else's mother-in-law. Maybe I am miss reading your suggestion. Exactly the same for me. Quote
MarieC Posted April 19, 2023 Report Posted April 19, 2023 Travis, thank you first of all for asking and thank you for having this forum.....At first when I saw the ribbon "Looking for some feedback" I thought it was one of those surveys, so I ignored it (if it would have said "Travis would like your opinion" I would not have ignored it)...Anyway, I am a newbie as well, I agree with Frank regarding the Q & A... I do go there quite often as well. I also go to the Other Works quite often to look at other folk's work. I didn't even know there were Groups... Anyway, I just looked at the "groups" and all but one group looks like it hasn't been active since December. I have never joined any forums before (this being my first and I just joined facebook a couple of months ago only to use the "Market place" to look for a scroll saw, I haven't been on it since)... I am very happy I found SSV but even on this forum, I find joining a group intimidating. Because of that, I like the "other works" since I can see what folks are doing without being in a "Group". Thanks again Gene Howe 1 Quote
don in brooklin on Posted May 21, 2023 Report Posted May 21, 2023 Travis I would like to see location maditory in profile. I find it odd when someone asks for where to buy something and you have no idea of where they live. Not even there country. Fab4, Jim McDonald, Gene Howe and 1 other 4 Quote
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