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Hello. I am Jim Finn and I live in Lubbock Texas. I have been scroll sawing about 3 years now. I have two Hegner Scroll saws. Polymax-3 (2009) and Multimax-3 (1986) I do not do any fret work (yet) but I do a lot of double bevel inlay work and some intarsia. I make and sell 8" x 12" cedar boxes with images inlayed into the lids. I also have used my scroll saw to make toys for toddlers. I am retired and spend about 35 hours a week in my wood working shop in my garage.


Hi Jim....I have been doing intarsia and I wanted to try scrolling just for a change..I started scrolling because I also wanted to do something that I can finish in a day or less, for the most part. I started scrolling in March of last year. I decided to try to do some simple thing like names...I could not believe how many people loved having their names cut in wood...I continued to push my skills, once I realized that I was capable of doing fret work. I have made many pieces for friends and family.I hope you give the fret work a shot, because as for me it is many hours of a new found love...good luck on your endeavors and remember that there are a lot of people here that are very willing to help or answer any questions you may have....One thing that I have discovered is scrolling seems to be easiest when you use hard woods and stay away from the softer ones, like cedar, which I like to use for intarsia....


Welcome jim! I'm overwhelmed at your skills with wood!.I'm also now interested in trying what you do .Thanks for the push.I scroll fret work 56 hours a week with names and puzzles as fillin's.Your real good at what you do,makes me sigh!Load up your gallery so i can be in awe!Nice nice polished workGlad to have you join our great club! :)


I also spend a lot of time in my workshop thirty to forty hours a week. I make toys and trunks along with intarsia and inlay. I have loads of photos of projects I have made over the years. I have over 25 images in my gallery now.

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