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Hi everyone.

My name is Ian Giles (Iggy) I live in S Wales (UK). I have been messing with Scroll Saws for a year or so now, but have been making Cabinets and furniture all my life (Not as a profession). Since my retirement 2 years ago, I have set up my workshop for woodworking, (Garage) and have been plonking around in there (weather permitting- No heat) ever since. Since I do not make a living at it, I have decided that Scroll Saw work is good because of the cost of the stuff, and making tiny things instead of big things is a complete change from boring old standard joints, and a complete new learning curb with an inordinate amount of stuff out there to do, I guess it will last me a lifetime and beyond. I have built myself a coffin with a small workshop on the end and requested that I be buried with my EX21 :luv: and a few dozen FD blades from Mike. iggygiles@aol.com.


I am so excited to welcome you to Scroll Saw Village...I too was into building some furniture but I moved to another city and no longer had my large wood shop and also because of the high cost of materials, decided to try something a little different...so I took up intarsia and enjoyed that for about 3 years or so...I never really liked much of the scroll items that I had seen but I wanted a change so I looked up some scroll saw web pages and discovered that scroll was much more than extremely hard fret work or too simple silhouette items that i did not care to make.. I discovered some nice patterns that appealed to me and I tried one and I have been doing scrolling for almost a year now and enjoy it more than I probably should allow myself to do...hope to see you on Scroll Saw Village often


Hello Iggy! Your introduction shows me your going to feel right at home scrolling.no place like scroll saw village (sv) to call home!Lets see some of your work you've done.I too love the change of occupation of hard work and settle down for a good day scrolling everyday.Nothing relaxs me more!have you met other scrollers in the uk?here in florida usa i have'nt meet any yet but look forward too!Hope they have scrollsaws in heaven ! :)

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