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On Saturday Morning I went to Steve Good's website looking for an idea for making my wife and 2 daughters a Mother's Day gift. As Usual, Steve did not fail me! I found an awesome pattern for a gift, I printed it out, prepared the wood for cutting and went to cutting it out. I stack cut 3 of them and got them all cut out before I had to break for lunch.
For lunch I Bar-B-Qued dinner for 8 adults and 3 Great Grandsons. We ate, sat and visited for a couple of hours, then I went to work fine sanding my new project, taping up part of it for painting and then waiting for the paint to dry. I didn't have to wait long because we had 85 degree weather. :) Then I carefully removed the first tape and set them in my shop so the women wouldn't see their gifts early. :)
Then I
Bar-B-Qued Dinner for the bunch again. It was so hard for me to not go back to painting, but I chose to wait until the next morning to proceed with the project! Early Sunday Morning I got up and completed the painting. :)
Needless to say, the gifts were a Huge Hit! Thank you Steve Good for yet Another wonderful gift idea!


Mothers Day Roses 1.jpg

Mothers Day Roses 2.jpg

Mothers Day Roses 3.jpg

20 minutes ago, jerry walters said:

Well done Dick. Nice cutting and finishing. I am continually amazed how fast all of you complete a project. It would take me at least a week to do what you did in a couple of days. If you weren't the chief cook and bottle washer you would have finished to complete project in one day. Like I said, nicely done.


Thanks Jerry! :) The pattern is Very Easy to cut out and I cheated by making them out of 8 mm. thick RevolutionPly Underlayment flooring material that cuts beautifully, has almost No fuzzies, and takes paint and stain wonderfully. https://www.patriottimber.com/RevolutionPly-Plywood.php

Also, I have almost 40 years of sitting in front of a Scroll saw, so I do have a little luck cutting things out. ;) :) :D


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