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Herd of Alpacas

Denny Knappen

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Denny, Nice cut. Just curious how long did it take to cut? 

I used a Pegas MGT3 for all of them as I wanted a smaller gap, better for the photos. It took a bit of concentration so that I didn't push sideways in the turns. The MGT 5 is perfect.   It is a great book, hard to choose a favorite but I really like the Penguin Pileup and the frogs. 

I will post a couple of pictures as I don't want to highjack your post.



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4 hours ago, Rolf said:

Denny, Nice cut. Just curious how long did it take to cut? 

I used a Pegas MGT3 for all of them as I wanted a smaller gap, better for the photos. It took a bit of concentration so that I didn't push sideways in the turns. The MGT 5 is perfect.   It is a great book, hard to choose a favorite but I really like the Penguin Pileup and the frogs. 

I will post a couple of pictures as I don't want to highjack your post.



Thanks Rolf.

I didn't time the cutting as at ArtCrafters there is always interruptions.  I use either #3 or #5.  These puzzles are more for little hands, so I used a #5 MGT blade.  I heard he might have a second book.  Are you test cutting that one?

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