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I have had this brass calendar for ages. Its two discs, and the rear one rotates to find the correct year and month. Both discs are the same size and the front one has a little tab to rotate the front disc. I think it is meant to be a hand held calendar. I have not been able to figure out a workable mount to make.

Has anyone any ideas if it could be put in a wooden mount.


I can't even figure out how to read it!  Is there any part on the back that is stationary, that you could use as a mount?  Both discs have to rotate, so you can't mount it like a clock.  I did an image search and there are a few ideas.  Looks like some have it in an insert made of some material,  like a clock.  So can the back disc be stationary and you can set it my just rotating the front disc?

example: https://www.ebay.com/itm/324559272770


Thanks. The front has to be read as it is. 2023 is at 1 O'clock in the photo which gives Mon at 6 O çlock and its the 25th today. It has more years marked up on the rear disc than the current villagers will ever live till. 2109 is the last year marked up.

I got it where I get all my clock inserts, it is a nice brass look and I know it would look well if mounted. However there is no point if I can't rotate the the rear disc. I'll just teach the Grandkids how to use it in a few years. 



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