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Why do you scroll?


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Lets see, why do I scroll? I guess I can't just answer because I can, can I? LOL Well my answer is that I love woodworking period, regardless of what type it is. Building furniture is expensive (which is my favorite woodworking) so I turn to the scroll saw to keep me in the shop as much as time allows, which is not much. But when I can get into the shop scrolling allows me to stay rooted in woodworking, it also relaxes me, and it allows me to make a few gifts from time to time for my family.

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Good one Clayton. :lol:


Any way why do I scroll? I tried all the usual female things sewing, knitting etc. and to put it plainly I was useless at all of them. :boo: I have always loved wood, maybe because I'm married to a carpenter, so when Terry got himself a scroll saw I was intrigued so I asked how it worked and hay presto I was hooked and I was good at it. :thumbs: Well I wore that saw out and Terry never got on it. LOL :D



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I was going mad with boredom with nothing to do. I was so used to working long days as a carpenter but a disability prevented me from working so i took to the scroll saw, best thing i ever did, just love it. As I say to the people at the craft fairs. I have to sell the stuff so i can make some more. There are several reasons why I do it. One is obviously to keep me occupied. I love the creative side of it, getting a piece or plain wood and turning into something really nice and useful. I love the challenge as well on the more difficult things. It keeps me going every day. I get up in the morning and really look forward to getting on the saw and very often i am still there late into the evening.

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