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16 minutes ago, Insane Dust Maker said:

So to day I post my African Big Five cut (remember my Lion Project) well this is it. The Big Five is very special to all South Africans because it’s part our heritage.

Before I tell you what the problems were and how I approached them, please don’t tell me you don’t like the colour of the back round or the texture of the board that’s immaterial, just look at the cut the work, that it.

All the patterns are Russ Beard Patterns, the cuttings were all double stack 4mm Birch Plywood the Lion is the Centre price and was cut on a 11”x14” my standard board size, the Leopard, Buffalo and Rhino had to be reduced in size keeping a eye on the aspect to keep the proportions right, but by reducing the size made the cuts more difficult, adding to the problem only the Lion was a Free Standing Pattern the others were all inboard patterns so with Russ’s approval and help from my wife Loraine how is a great artist we converted the patterns on the fly to stand alone patterns. Time plenty hours, holes I estimate between 3000-5000 holes cuts. The patterns were soaked in Danish Oil drained and excess wiped off allowed to dry for two days and the two coats clear varnish.

This type of cut deserves a very special back round so I will be take a photo of the African Savannah and glut that to the backer and the the cuts on top of that in layers.

I’m very happy with the results even though the stain was unpredictable the colour of the animals can vary from area to area so it does not bother me.



Totally amazing cuts. To my untrained eye, the colors are spot on. 


Thank you for you comments, sadly I’m in limbo at the moment most of my workshops is being packed up due to anticipated re location to Cape Town, so I will only be able to do the backer, back round and framing sometime in January. I only have the scroll saw available so I’m just cutting and cutting.

23 minutes ago, Sycamore67 said:

I do not do fretwork but this is an amazing composition.  The cuts are intricate and would selection/color is excellent.

I really enjoy looking at this and absorbing the details.

Thank you so much for your kind words, coming from South Africa it’s part of us, I am super proud of it.

2 hours ago, Ron Johnson said:

An awesome piece of art Don. That would be many, many hours of cutting. Very beautiful. 

Thank you, I am not a time keeper but what I can tell you it took me seven weeks cutting a few hours a day when we had power.

3 hours ago, Denny Knappen said:

My That is an impressive piece.  A work of art.


3 hours ago, Scrappile said:

Magnificent!  That is a beautiful, well thought out piece of art!  Thank you for posting it.

Thanks so much Scrapple, I Han the project in my head and I’m so proud it turned out like it did. My little modified Wen came to the party again.

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