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I have 3 scroll saws and all 3 are down due to parts not available, out of production, you name it!

My main saw is a Delta 40- 680 or P-20, was bought back in 2005 new and has given very good service ever since until a couple of months ago when a "collar" as it is called in the parts list broke. Now as far as I know this piece is the only plastic part of all the moving parts under the table. This collar slips over the top arm and connects with the connecting link that is between the 2 arms. There is what I would say is a weak point where the sleeve and the small bolt and nut attach the top of the connecting link to the upper arm. That is where the part broke! E replacement does not have one and neither have  several other places I have got in touch with. I have even given that part to a person that has a 3DPrinter and is supposedly trying to make up one using that machine. Haven't heard from him in awhile but his friend said that he is working on it, coming up with some kind of program to do it with!   So, with that in mind I have been reading about the Wen model # LL2156 and have seen one run on the internet and just wondering if any of you scrollers out there have one and what do you think of it? I may have to buy another saw!!!

Redwine or Erv


Well, I tried looking for the part too, I assume you're talking about part number 1347372.. I restored a couple old Delta saws back about 15 years ago and Mike from Mikestools.com had bought out several closed up parts stores and he at one time was the only source for a lot of Delta stuff.. He doesn't have the part either so I'm guessing you're going to have to make one or find a used parts P-20.. but that would likely be hard to do..

I wouldn't go with that WEN.. I have seen several people having to return them under warranty for bad motors.. If you get out of the warranty period you likely be in the same situation you have now.. I mean.. this might last long enough to get the other saws repaired but..I have seen some decent reviews on them too.. may be a case of a bad batch going past quality control and maybe you get lucky and get a good one.. I personally would look for a good used higher end saw.. I

What other saws are you looking for parts for? Maybe someone on here has a old parts saw that might have the parts you need. I have a few old Delta parts saws..


Posted (edited)

Thanks Kevin for the info. With the way my luck has been going since May when some one hacked our credit card for over $2000 and have been fighting with Barclays to get that solved, even had a new card hacked just as soon as it was activated and had not been used by us for any purchase! Then shortly after all of that the P20 broke that part and than the backup saw, Hitache, (sp) gave up the bearing and 3 other parts on the left side, 2 of the parts are available but not the ones I need! The Drimal saw needs the 2 straight blade holders and the spacer to be able to use regular straight blades and not the pinned blades, also no longer available! The person I bought this saw from does not have those items or has lost them! So like I said I am about to give up on any kind of saw that I have read about, seen reviews that are not favorable, not worth the money, made in China etc. etc.!!!!  Oh, and on top of all of that, now we have to have a new natural gas line installed from the house to the meter due to a leak some where in the old line, 1958 the year of the house being built! This stage of life is not what it should be!


Edited by redwine
needed some more info!

Wow what a bout of bad luck.. They say it comes in three but you must be going for 9 - 12.. gosh I hope not.. 

IF new is the only way you want to go then I think the Dewalt is probably the cheapest "new" saw that you'll get with some decent quality.. though I'm not certain where they're made now days..   

That WEN you spoke of is pretty new saw to the market.. and we all know brand new stuff usually has to have all the bugs worked out before they start getting a good product.. You might try one and see how it goes.. IF offered extended warranty that could be something to think about with the history of the motor failure.. that I've been reading about. It looks like a decent user friendly saw.. unfortunately the motor is a expensive part to have to replace.. all the ones I've read about had issues while under warranty so it was replaced or repaired.. also read where the replacement one had the motor go bad too.. so.. I have a few WEN tools and they've been really decent tools for the money... so I do think they just had a bad batch of motors go past the quality control or something.. Might be worth getting one to get you by until you find a better saw and more money to spend on one, LOL.. Just keep breaking it right before the warranty is up, LOL 


Just my 2 cents worth here. I started out with a used Dewalt. After doing the bearing service it was a great saw. I sold it when I found a used Ex. Anyway, my point is look around for a good used saw. There are many for sale around the country. I have no idea where you are but Craigslist & Marketplace are you best friends. I've bought and sold quite a few saws of the top brands. I am a "dyed-in-the-wool" cheapskate. I seldom buy anything new. Don't get in a rush. Check around and see what's available. Best of luck. I hope your situation improves.


I want to think both Kevin and Ray for their input on this saw. I am still thinking about it and waiting to hear back about the person supposedly doing up the part with the 3D printer! I did have to postpone a couple of orders that I took at the craft show a couple of weeks ago, so I can't wait to long! Again thanks for the input!



Redline you not alone I stay in South Africa nobody has the Blade Tesion Set as they call it, it ticks me off because this is a vital spare part, can’t even get a expected delivery date. I tried in vain to get a machine shop to make me a few of the tension nut nobody is interested in helping you. Added to my frustration I have a stock of the tension rods, but I can’t get the nuts separately or complete. Ryobi, Wen, Record, Delta, Martlet to name a few are all the same footprint and the parts are interchangeable, yet nobody has stock.


I guess I'm the only one with the Wen.  I have had it since December and not a ounce of trouble.  Very user friendly.  I did watch Steve Good's video on the Wen and decided to give it a try.  I do have my old Craftsman and Hegner as backups.  I am not a heavy scroller I only do it for fun.  I have read about other having issues with the Wen but I can only go on my experience with it.  I bought mine off Amazon with a 150.00 gift card Amazon was advertising for taking out their credit card.



Concerning parts availability, Auto manufactures, I believe, are required by law, at least over here in the States, are required to have all parts available for 10 years! I may be wrong on that but I believe that is right! That doesn't seem to be the case with tools. As I stated in previous posts, my main saw is the Delta P20,  40 680 and the parts are just not available and haven't been since 2 different  compaines have aquired Delta along with 4 other companies! This may be why parts are no longer available or being produced, because of the buy out! Since Dewalt was also one of the companies that was aquired, the Delta scroll saw is now a copy of the Dewalt saw! Maybe that is the scheme of things, quit making parts so you have to buy a new saw!


4 hours ago, ChelCass said:

I guess I'm the only one with the Wen.  I have had it since December and not a ounce of trouble.  Very user friendly.  I did watch Steve Good's video on the Wen and decided to give it a try.  I do have my old Craftsman and Hegner as backups.  I am not a heavy scroller I only do it for fun.  I have read about others having issues with the Wen but I can only go on my experience with it.  I bought mine off Amazon with a 150.00 gift card Amazon was advertising for taking out their credit card.


Just imagine, a Hegner is your backup. Most folks would love to have one as their primary. But I understand. I also have one and it sits unused because I have 2 Excaliburs and am more comfortable with them.

5 hours ago, OCtoolguy said:

Just imagine, a Hegner is your backup. Most folks would love to have one as their primary. But I understand. I also have one and it sits unused because I have 2 Excaliburs and am more comfortable with them.

Same thing for me, I got that Hegner last spring and used it for about a week.. now it's just collecting dust.. I think about selling it and one of the Hawks. I haven't scrolled hardly at all all summer / fall.. But the Laser has been busy making things for me to hand paint, LOL.. 

2 hours ago, kmmcrafts said:

Same thing for me, I got that Hegner last spring and used it for about a week.. now it's just collecting dust.. I think about selling it and one of the Hawks. I haven't scrolled hardly at all all summer / fall.. But the Laser has been busy making things for me to hand paint, LOL.. 

If you don't scroll, you'll lose your membership here. LOL.


9 hours ago, OCtoolguy said:

Just imagine, a Hegner is your backup. Most folks would love to have one as their primary. But I understand. I also have one and it sits unused because I have 2 Excaliburs and am more comfortable with them.

I too have a Hegner as a second (backup) saw. It’s an old single speed which bothered me, but I’m in the middle of an order of 12 compound cut projects and am finding it better at cutting 1.75” walnut than my primary saw. Actually beginning to like it 🙄

1 hour ago, OCtoolguy said:

If you don't scroll, you'll lose your membership here. LOL.


I think Travis seen this coming with all the talk about Lasers and CNC over the past years so he made the cnc / laser groups for paid members.. Of course I'm the only one that post anything there and talk to myself there too.. But no different than the co-worker and staff meetings I have out in the shop.. I had to put up a mirror so I could see who I was talking to. 😂


OCtoolguy my “Wen” does not give trouble at all but over a period of a few years, you experience blades breakages especially the #0 and #01 because they so thin they loose their sharpness quite quickly when doing a double stack, and one tens to push the blade to do just one more cut before you replace it. Hence I need to replace the Blade Tension Set, which as stated our suppliers don’t have stock or they don’t know what I’m talking about or respond to emails. The joys of staying in Africa service is not important. 

1 hour ago, BadBob said:

Where is this group?

At the top menu bar on a computer... Or if you're on a phone its click on the 3 lines icon thingy and then click on Community> Groups... Hope that helps.. There is wood turning, food & drinks, craft makers groups too besides the cnc / laser one.   

A Group.png

14 hours ago, kmmcrafts said:

I think Travis seen this coming with all the talk about Lasers and CNC over the past years so he made the cnc / laser groups for paid members.. Of course I'm the only one that post anything there and talk to myself there too.. But no different than the co-worker and staff meetings I have out in the shop.. I had to put up a mirror so I could see who I was talking to. 😂

You might be your best listener. 

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