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54 minutes ago, kmmcrafts said:

After watching some youtube on the multi tool as a sander.. I'm not interested in it as a sander.. pretty neat tool and might still get one but as a sander it's not a great tool from the reviews I read. They say it leaves lots of swirl marks.. That is the issue I had with the little mouse sander thing I have.. I now remember why I quit using it.. 

I have only used mine as a saw. The sander always looked like a bad idea to me.

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This is what I use for touching up the outside of projects. It is very aggressive and takes some practice to get used to. I use it a lot. I can sand outside curves easily and get into tight corners if I remove the platten. This touches almost everything that comes off my scroll saw for that little bum you get when stating the cut, if nothing else.



I also have the Shopsmith version of this. It has variable speeds, and the belt can be rerouted so it can sand inside. It also has a curved platten and a 1/2 inch platen to use 1/2 inch belts.



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On 11/25/2023 at 8:08 PM, MarieC said:

Almost all the very fine sanding I do, I use a Foredom rotary tool with multiple hand pieces that I can use with pretty much any Dremel or Kutzall burrs/sanding items or others.  I bought mine on craigslist but here is an example of it:  https://www.woodcraft.com/products/foredom-5200-deluxe-kit?gclid=CjwKCAiA04arBhAkEiwAuNOsIoedfaJnI9NNuSpZ8scwF4ufXxUUWvxhVWNJaHfOJ_fUMKRWAxL2zRoC8qEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

I also have a multi tool but it is so bulky for some of my fine work that I have trouble using it.  My favorite sanders are these EZ lock by dremel: 



They are like minnie mop sanders...they don't last too long but they have the different grits.


I have a set of minnie mop sanders for my rotary tool.  https://www.amazon.ca/Yakamoz-1-0-inch-Abrasive-Polishing-Polishers/dp/B07KBY63XR/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=37B0YNTK9GHAY&keywords=abrasive+wheel+buffing+polishing+wheel+set+for+rotary+tool&qid=1701093703&sprefix=buffing+polishing+for+rotary+tool%2Caps%2C180&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1


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