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Hello to my long lost SSV friends!

It's been a wild 2 years for me and I won't bore everyone with the details, but we moved to a new city a year ago and I'm only doing my bigger events while trying to find new venues and events in the new city.  I hope everyone is doing well.  If any of you are on FB, I have an active group there.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/scrollsawpuzzles

I have a decent shop setup here at the new house, I just need to find the time to get in there and cut... My last event was in October and won't have another until April. 

Catch me up on what's happening?







Edited by Iguanadon
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Welcome back. I too have returned. I am not scrolling as much any more but it is still good to see some nice work being done. I have taken up the lathe as a hobby these days and pen turning has been my interest. i do like to combine both hobbies at times though. I see you are still doing the puzzle thing. Always some amazing work there. Good to see familiar names. 


Hey Scott, nice to hear from you. I do follow you on your FB site. It looks like you're truly taking this scroll saw/puzzle thing seriously. LOL. Great display and nice product selection. You should do very well once you get back in the groove. 



Good to see you drop in and say hi.. I thought you probably forgot about us on the village.. LOL

As you already know I'm on the FB group.. however I don't do much on FB and miss a lot of the news so it's nice to see you're still at it.. I do recall seeing something about you moving.. but that was about all I knew of it.. 

Wish you luck for the new location.. Probably going to be a bit tougher not being right in a tourist type area.. I'm sure you'll pull through it fine though.. You have that drive that is persistent to make things work..    

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