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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, MarieC said:

E thank you again for creating the pattern for me 😊

You are very welcome. You did an excellent job cutting it! Sorry for the mishap. I'm amazed you were able to resaw it like that and not ruin it.  :) 

Edited by Charlie E
10 hours ago, Charlie E said:

You are very welcome. You did an excellent job cutting it! Sorry for the mishap. I'm amazed you were able to resaw it like that and not ruin it.  :) 

Yes, it was a bit scary to resaw that backer board off but the aspen held up well thank goodness.:)

1 hour ago, Scrappile said:

Great end result.   You took the hard way around, but all turned out great.  Baxter was a beautiful little fellow...

Thank you.  He was a good doggy and great at agility but he couldn't open and close doors like your doggy can!  :)

1 hour ago, TAIrving said:

Congratulations!  That worked out well and you do indeed have 2 very nice portraits of Baxter.  

I have done quite a bit of resawing but I don't think I could do that on my bandsaw.  Q - how thick was the original Aspen board?  

Thank you.  It was just over 1/2 inch... my resaw blade on my bandsaw is pretty thin so It didn't take too much of the wood when I cut the backer off and I guess I got lucky. Thanks again :)

1 hour ago, JessL said:

Wow! Nice job on that resawing.  Not sure I would have the guts to try that. LOL    Beautiful pieces and great job on that pattern.  

Thanks Jess, well I thought I might as well give it a try because it was either that or the burn pile.  I thought, well I could try cutting the pattern again but I really liked that white aspen which I had to order online and that was about all I had of it.  So I thought I would give the bandsaw a try.  I wore all my safety gear, did kind of a 'dry run' with different safety pusher blocks and to my surprise it didn't explode into a million little pieces!😁


Nice recovery and two nice projects. My wife is the dog trainer in the family (Obedience). Her Christmas present was a Papillon puppy. That makes three Papillons and a long hair Chihuahua in the family along with two cats and about 75 goldfish. Needless to say a puppy is very time consuming. Between the puppy and the nasty weather I haven't been able to spend much time in the shop.

However, my Christmas present was a 6X8 popup greenhouse that I have erected in my shop and put my saw into with a heater. Now I can cut in cold weather. My other Christmas present was a new truck. Now I can buy full sheets of plywood and long boards without having to cut them down to fit into the trunk of a car. (Guess I was better last year than what I thought.)

3 hours ago, rdatelle said:

Well Marie, you did a hell of a recovery job. Everything look great.

Ralph, thank you very much!  Since I don't really know much about what I am doing (since I am such a newbie when it comes to scroll sawing) I guess I don't know any better so I try things that most folks would be more prudent and wouldn't do it.  I am so happy it turned out.....Thanks again! :)

3 hours ago, Ron Johnson said:

Very beautiful dog. Sorry for your loss. I have a border collie and he’s on his last leg. Great recovery job. It looks fabulous Marie. 

Ron, thank you!  He was the smartest dog I ever had and always happy...I am so glad @Charlie E was able to capture his smile in the pattern he sent me.  Those border collies are also crazy smart and fast.  They always win most of the agility events.  Enjoy your doggie.... time goes so quickly...😔



1 hour ago, Dak0ta52 said:

Nice recovery and two nice projects. My wife is the dog trainer in the family (Obedience). Her Christmas present was a Papillon puppy. That makes three Papillons and a long hair Chihuahua in the family along with two cats and about 75 goldfish. Needless to say a puppy is very time consuming. Between the puppy and the nasty weather I haven't been able to spend much time in the shop.

However, my Christmas present was a 6X8 popup greenhouse that I have erected in my shop and put my saw into with a heater. Now I can cut in cold weather. My other Christmas present was a new truck. Now I can buy full sheets of plywood and long boards without having to cut them down to fit into the trunk of a car. (Guess I was better last year than what I thought.)

Wow, another Papillon!....I can't wait to see a picture of your puppy or a scroll saw pic of him...if he will hold still long enough for a picture! 🤣  Congrats on you new greenhouse in your shop....great idea!  And even more impressive a new truck!  I presume it is full size.  I only have an 1999 Ford Ranger Step side so it makes it a bit difficult to haul a full sheet of plywood.  I have to really strap it down.  

Anyway, congrats again and....Santa was surely good to you!  :)

15 hours ago, wombatie said:

You have more nerve than me, I would just have started again.  Brilliant job and congrat's on your first portrait.  Great work on the pattern @Charlie E.


Thank you! That thought had crossed my mind regarding doing it again but since I don't saw very fast, I thought this alternative was at least a try.  Thanks again!:)

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