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I just started on mine last night, good thing I wont see my sweety till the weekend. This is a spin off of a pattern that someone made here on the sight. I cant remember who's it was. But thanks in advance.



This is what I made for Valentine's Day this year. I know It isn't made of wood, but the table is. 

I haven't been able to get out and work in my wood shop, but I can get into my photo studio upstairs (my other out-of-control hobby) so I made this photo. You are all free to print this if you wish (no copyrite) .

Good Photography is more about controlling the light to get the result that you wish. A box camera or cell phone won't work for this as they are designed to give you the best image possible, which is not what this type of photo is about. The dark mystery part is important to set the mood. Most any camera with manual controls can be used for this. I used my Canon 90D, a 2 year old 34 Megapixel Pro Camera (kind-of way overkill) for this shot, but even film cameras with the needed manual controls could have been used.

The light for this was from a standard studio strobe with a 7" diameter reflector. To get the size of the light beam from it down to a small enough diameter to only light the rose bud area, I added a honeycomb filter, in this case a very fine honeycomb rated at 10 degrees, meaning that the light coming through it can only deviate 10 degrees from straight or it hits the sides of the black holes in the honeycomb filter and is blocked. I took two shots of this at 1 F-Stop less of light (adjustable light level for the light is needed) . The other shot shows much less of the light spill on the table and I decided that I wanted the table dark, but easily seen in the photo, so I chose this shot as the keeper. It shows in the other photo, but just barely. 

I hope to get back in my wood shop again soon. I broke my 19 year tradition of making 3D reindeer for this past Christmas too. 


Roses on table IMG_0001.jpg

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