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Flat bottom for candle holder


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I have a pattern that was given to me for a pair of votive candle holders within a simple scroll sawn design. The two inch and a half recessed circles that hold the candles have a perfectly smooth bottom. I can't figure out how this is done. I have a Forstner bit the right size but it leaves a point in the center. Can anyone tell me how to complete this with a smooth bottom...no jokes...

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What you can do, if you have 2 forster bits of the same size is take one, preferably the older one of the 2 and cut/grind the tip off so it is smooth. Then start the hole with the unmodified forstner bit, after drilling the majority of the hole out, change to the modified bit. The hole that you just drilled will keep the modified bit straight. But you have to be willing to sacrafice a bit or pick up a cheap one from harbor freight or someplace like them so it won't hurt so bad when you modify the bit. No I have not done this, but it was in a wood working mag as an editors suggestion.

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While watching a woodworking show on TV I had an epiphany! The best way to make the hole is to use a router with a guide bushing. Just make a template with the size of the hole ( just a fraction larger to accommodate the edge of the bushing) and use the router to plough out the hole to the depth necessary.


Thanks for the suggestions. Sometimes the solution just happens...

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