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God is good

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Been going to a men group at church.Had'nt been in awhile.The pastor asked me if i needed anything.I said a new saw would be nice . So he wrote in his prayer request book a new saw for kevin.I did'nt tell him what kind ,BUT! within a week i found a DW788 new ,used twice and they wanted 180.00 for it.Just happens to be in the same city pastor lives in ,tamarac,florida.It was in craigs list.I have'nt been in craigs list in over a year.I told my friend and he loaned me the money to get it.Wow i am blessed!This saw is so tight compared to the used one i aquired for my intarsia works.Life is good!I gave my old one to someone i've been helping get started in scrolling.i gave him a harbor freight new one i had as a back up.He's jumping for joy to get this one now.One mans junk is another mans treasure.it's sloppy for my standards ,but still works. :)

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