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good day village people

i,m rob from holland and i like your little villega i hoop you dont mind if im hanging around your place

and look at your beautiful art works in the past i dit a lot of fretsawing but i stopt sawing because i run out of patterns the ware expansive back than

but now in the computer age :D i,m back again and hoop to doo a lot of sawing

i got a lot of questions fore you dut i think its best to reed the older post first


sorry fore the bad englis its not my strong point


Hello rob and welcome to the friendlyest village!We have loads of free patterns for you to chose from.Such a beautyful place holland is !The flower capital of the world.Were glad you found us with a click of the mouse.We can help you in all scrolling ways just ask away in the correct forum.thanks for joining Make lots of friends here soon! :)

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