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Posted (edited)

Very nice work on both.  Love the Flag Stand. 

I'm not familiar with the two flags on the stand with the American Flag.  If they are orher countries National Flags, all is good.  However, If they are lesser flags, the American Flag shoud be in the middle and flown higher than theothers.   

Edited by FrankEV
2 hours ago, Bill WIlson said:

I like the self sculpture.  I wonder if Steve Good has a pattern that would make me better looking, 30 years younger and 50 lbs lighter?  I might give that one a try.

You bet he does, but I will give you a little secret- It's all in the eyes of the beholder.  When I finished it, I really looked good.

35 minutes ago, FrankEV said:

Very nice work on both.  Love the Flag Stand. 

I'm not familiar with the two flags on the stand with the American Flag.  If they are orher countries National Flags, all is good.  However, If they are lesser flags, the American Flag shoud be in the middle and flown higher than theothers.   

Frank, next to the American Flag is the Air Force Flag, the next flag is the Colorado State Flag.  Like you I thought the American Flag should be higher.  I did a lot of research before finishing the stand.  I know there are timed when the American Flag is higher, don't know which situation.  I went with when placed side by side, the American Flag is on the left side of the viewer, next comes armed forces flag in order of when that branch of the military was established.  The Army (I think) is the oldest branch of the military, next the Navy, and so on.  After that comes the states based on when they joined the Union.   If anyone out there knows for sure, please let me know.  When I was in  Boy Scouts we learned how to respect our Flag.  I was also taught to bring that flag indoors every night.  Many people never bring their flags in, even during storms.  In fact, the flag that I fly on special days once flew over our nations capitol.  Thanks for your comment Frank, I always read what you have to say, just don't always respond.



Thanks for the shoutout, Jerry.  It came out nice.  As to your self-sculpture, you seem a bit 'wooden' sitting at the saw. 🙂 

I think when I posted my flags a while back, it was brought up regarding height. My display is an exception to the US flag height rule. I am on staff with NATO, and my display (as are all the flags in our HQ flag plaza/parade grounds) is all on an equal level as a 32-nation military alliance.




8 hours ago, rafairchild2 said:

Thanks for the shoutout, Jerry.  It came out nice.  As to your self-sculpture, you seem a bit 'wooden' sitting at the saw. 🙂 

I think when I posted my flags a while back, it was brought up regarding height. My display is an exception to the US flag height rule. I am on staff with NATO, and my display (as are all the flags in our HQ flag plaza/parade grounds) is all on an equal level as a 32-nation military alliance.




I read what you wrote, and if I understand correctly,the Flags in the plaza are all national flags, therfore all being equal they are all flown at the same height.

If the flags to either side of the American Flag in your display are not flags of other nations, then by definition they are considered "lesser" flags and the American Flag is supposet to fly higher.  This flag protocol is easily found on Google and elsewhere.

32 minutes ago, FrankEV said:

If the flags to either side of the American Flag in your display are not flags of other nations, then by definition they are considered "lesser" flags and the American Flag is supposet to fly higher.  This flag protocol is easily found on Google and elsewhere.

The flag protocol (of US flag higher) does not apply in this application. 

The flags in the plaza and inside NATO HQ are all national flags.  Additionally, there is the main NATO flag (considered a national flag) and our Warfare Development Command Flag (my NATO HQ in Norfolk VA is called ACT, considered the same as a state flag).  So at both NATO HQs.  All flags fly at equal height. The ACT flag is considered similar to a state flag, which the flag code says it can fly at equal height. 

The only time a national flag is moved to the center of attention is during a "National Day".  For example, another US flag was raised for the July 4th national day, and it was raised next to the NATO and ACT flags.  After the ceremony, it was brought down.


Section 7g of the Flag Code states: "When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size. International usage forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation in time of peace."

Next, my flag display is for my office at NATO HQ, again a different set of rules for Alliance display vs the US flag code.  So yes, all are held at equal height, but I am allowed to put my national flag at the center of attention not higher. The 'state' flag (ACT) has to be to the right of the US flag. Remember we are not only a military alliance but a political one made up of 32 nations and subordinate commands.

If you look at the flags at the NATO HQ in Europe, you will see the same thing.  All equal height.  Also,  the NATO flag and the Command (HQ) flags are usually the flags at the center of focus.

Here's a tidbit most people do not know.  The Supreme Allied Commander Transformation in Norfolk VA USA is always a French 4-star (SACT).  The Supreme Allied Commander Europe in Brussels (SACEUR) is always an American 4-Star.  This was done for political and optic purposes.

Below is the NATO HQ in Europe.  Note the height and note the flags are always displayed in the same order.  I think it is Alphabetical by country.


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, rafairchild2 said:

The flag protocol (of US flag higher) does not apply in this application. 

The flags in the plaza and inside NATO HQ are all national flags.  Additionally, there is the main NATO flag (considered a national flag) and our Warfare Development Command Flag (my NATO HQ in Norfolk VA is called ACT, considered the same as a state flag).  So at both NATO HQs.  All flags fly at equal height. The ACT flag is considered similar to a state flag, which the flag code says it can fly at equal height. 

The only time a national flag is moved to the center of attention is during a "National Day".  For example, another US flag was raised for the July 4th national day, and it was raised next to the NATO and ACT flags.  After the ceremony, it was brought down.

Next, my flag display is for my office at NATO HQ, again a different set of rules for Alliance display vs the US flag code.  So yes, all are held at equal height, but I am allowed to put my national flag at the center of attention not higher. The 'state' flag (ACT) has to be to the right of the US flag. Remember we are not only a military alliance but a political one made up of 32 nations and subordinate commands.

If you look at the flags at the NATO HQ in Europe, you will see the same thing.  All equal height.  Also,  the NATO flag and the Command (HQ) flags are usually the flags at the center of focus.

Here's a tidbit most people do not know.  The Supreme Allied Commander Transformation in Norfolk VA USA is always a French 4-star (SACT).  The Supreme Allied Commander Europe in Brussels (SACEUR) is always an American 4-Star.  This was done for political and optic purposes.

Below is the NATO HQ in Europe.  Note the height and note the flags are always displayed in the same order.  I think it is Alphabetical by country.


My reference is to the scrolled Flag Stand.  Not the Plaza, which is correct. 

On the display stand, I don't know what the other flags are.  IF THEY ARE NOT NATIONAL FLAGS THEY ARE CONSIDERED "LESSER" FLAGS AND THEAMERICAN FLAG SHOULD BE DISPLAYED HIGHER.  Nothing more nothing less.  If it is to reside in your NATO office, so be it,  but, not knowing the planned use, it could be displayed anywhere...so I only recsognize the usual American Flag Protocol  for such a display.  Especially when presented in this or any other forum for the readers to view.   Sorry if I'm a nudge when it come to our NationaL Flag. 

Edited by FrankEV

You know what, I am sorry I posted my flag stand.  As I stated I did a lot of research and placed the flags in the order I thought was proper and what I read.  After doing more research I discovered next to the American Flag should be the states flags then the military flags.  I know I read that military flags should be placed before state flags, I will do research.  Now, I am pretty certain the state flag orders will be in date order the states became members of the union and military flags to be displayed in date order they became a branch of the military.  I consider myself to be a very patriotic American and have always respected our Flag.  I posted my flag stand because I am proud of the work I did and wanted my fellow scrollers to see it.  It is my hope this controversy can be put to bed and we can enjoy what this forum has meant to each of us.

One very proud American,



For what it is worth Jerry, I was happy you posted it. It inspired me to maybe design one for my desk at work, or to put on display in our store. (woodworking store) All of the others need to calm down. You may or may not have had the flags arranged properly, but who cares? The point is you are proud of your work, and you chose to share it with us. For that I am grateful and I hope you share more of your creations. Thank you sir.

Posted (edited)

Sorry, Jerry.  I regret posting my NATO display and causing this $t storm. I will hold my tongue. 

My flag arrangement/application is correct, according to the Flag Protocol AND the Rules of Flags in an International Military Alliance known as NATO. Anything else mentioned by others is ignorance.

Edited by rafairchild2

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