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I've been encountering this problem a few times over the past few weeks.  I haven't figured out why and I hadn't taken time to reach out.  Last I checked (I just happen to be on the computer right now) my iPad was fine (yesterday).  However, I have had this issue at least 4 or more times so I mainly wanted to say something so we knew that it wasn't just Bruce who has seen the issue. 😀  I normally use my iPad, but just happen to be on my desktop computer and hopped on.  If it happens again, I will post again here.

Edited by meflick
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hmmm.....I'll keep at it on my iPad too.  What you're seeing is the HTML without any CSS.  So you're basically seeing the raw HTML without any styling.  I don't know why the CSS isn't loading.  It's only a txt file and a super small file.

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3 hours ago, Travis said:

did the refresh do anything?  It's not loading the CSS for some reason.  Not sure if it's just timing out or something else going on.


I'm back to that screen again (yesterday and today) on the iPad but is fine on my laptop

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hmmmm.....I'm a bit baffled.  I did a software update on the 10th....maybe something is wonky with that.  I should have another software update in the next week or two.  They usually put them out monthly. 

I'll keep testing it....maybe I need to rebuild the theme.

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Mine is working today on my iPad. It is hit or miss when it seems to occur. When I get it all messed up like this, it doesn’t seem to matter what I do, refresh, restart, nothing seems to correct the issue at that time. I eventually just give up for then and come back usually another day as opposed to later the same day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought I had posted again a couple days ago that I had had the problem, again but I don’t see it here now. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I just had it happen again a few minutes ago, I completely shutdown my iPad and restarted, and it was still an issue. I usually come in via my favorites bookmark, so I went out and tried to come in without using that, just entering the website and it still didn’t load correctly, I messed around for a few minutes and finally got it to load correctly.

I tried to load are screen shot photo images of what I saw 👀 when it was not loading correctly.but for some reason, those photos will not load correctly here. They show correctly outside of the village on ,y ipad photos. I’ve never had a problem  previously having a photo load here.


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Adding - it started loading correctly and worked pretty good for a little while except I was having a few issues with some pictures in threads not all showing or displaying correctly, would get a small blue box with a ? Mark on it. It wasn’t all, just sometimes. Some I would see a couple photos then one or two not show when someone had posted multiple photos in the same thread.

Then, I posted a reply on one thread and when it posted, it came back up with it not loading correctly again. I went back out and came back and it’s loaded correctly. I’ve never had this problem on my iPad before this started in past couple months. So I, not sure what has changed. I did update my OS earlier this afternoon to latest update. It was after this that I first encountered problems with the photos so not sure if it’s related but I’ve had the not loading correctly going on for a while now. It does affect my getting on and participating when this is a problem since I usually always am on my iPad.

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I'm hoping the October update will fix this....I'm waiting to hear back from the software company.  I can't seem to replicate the problem on my iPad or phone.  I'll keep trying.  

If you turn your iPad sideways and hit refresh, does that help?  Just a shot in the dark.

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