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On occasion a topic comes up here that makes me think back to projects that either worked on years ago and for some reason started but never completed. I must have at least 10 such projects either in various stages of cut out and never assembled or partial cut out. I have a large Dirk Boleman's Clock that all parts are cut and left unassembled or at least I think they are. (do not fully remember). Have a beautiful Dirk Boleman religious plaque (2 in fact) that all parts were cut, frame was built from beautiful rosewood and was going to use some beautiful stained glass as background. I cut the main body of the project out from oak plywood. But when I went to stain it, it turned out too dark and I did not like it so I set it all on the side. That was a huge amount of cutting but I did stack cut them. if I get back to it i will probably do the cutting again using different wood. Not sure. Then I have about 8 religious cross prayer boxes and religious crosses cut and ready for assembly. I put these aside because they did not sell well at my shows for some reason. But I really would like to finish and maybe donate them. Then I have various clocks and desk watches in various stages that I just was using for stock when they sold out I was that far ahead to replenish. But again just stopped selling and doing shows. I should really get all these projects together and take a huge group photo. Boy I would need a wide angle lens. I think back at the amount of scrolling I did over the years is mindboggling to me as I reminisce. My RBI saws owe me nothing because they were my main go to saws.  


But my main question is are there others that like me have over the years stock piled projects that for some reason or other never finished.? Do you ever think you will finish? What were some of your reasons for not finishing? if you want to include photos that would be nice. maybe did not come out the way you thought for some reason. maybe just lost interest in the project. I do this alot now with my pen making because I want to move onto next idea that quickly. Maybe some just stock pile stock for future shows or sales and leave in various stages but easy to complete when needed. Maybe because they are personalized projects and you leave off names or dates or sayings because of this. Please do not make me the only one left on this island. Help me understand my shortcomings. 🤔

1 hour ago, JTTHECLOCKMAN said:

On occasion a topic comes up here that makes me think back to projects that either worked on years ago and for some reason started but never completed. I must have at least 10 such projects either in various stages of cut out and never assembled or partial cut out. I have a large Dirk Boleman's Clock that all parts are cut and left unassembled or at least I think they are. (do not fully remember). Have a beautiful Dirk Boleman religious plaque (2 in fact) that all parts were cut, frame was built from beautiful rosewood and was going to use some beautiful stained glass as background. I cut the main body of the project out from oak plywood. But when I went to stain it, it turned out too dark and I did not like it so I set it all on the side. That was a huge amount of cutting but I did stack cut them. if I get back to it i will probably do the cutting again using different wood. Not sure. Then I have about 8 religious cross prayer boxes and religious crosses cut and ready for assembly. I put these aside because they did not sell well at my shows for some reason. But I really would like to finish and maybe donate them. Then I have various clocks and desk watches in various stages that I just was using for stock when they sold out I was that far ahead to replenish. But again just stopped selling and doing shows. I should really get all these projects together and take a huge group photo. Boy I would need a wide angle lens. I think back at the amount of scrolling I did over the years is mindboggling to me as I reminisce. My RBI saws owe me nothing because they were my main go to saws.  


But my main question is are there others that like me have over the years stock piled projects that for some reason or other never finished.? Do you ever think you will finish? What were some of your reasons for not finishing? if you want to include photos that would be nice. maybe did not come out the way you thought for some reason. maybe just lost interest in the project. I do this alot now with my pen making because I want to move onto next idea that quickly. Maybe some just stock pile stock for future shows or sales and leave in various stages but easy to complete when needed. Maybe because they are personalized projects and you leave off names or dates or sayings because of this. Please do not make me the only one left on this island. Help me understand my shortcomings. 🤔

I have a few unfinished. Mainly because I have never learned the art of finishing. Other than dipping in oil or a few coats of poly, I don't know how to really get the finish that I can be proud of. Dave Monk has it mastered but he is lucky enough to have the space to work in and has purchased all the right equipment. I know you have it down pat, but I have never figured it out. I have one cutting that is waiting for me to come up with a frame for it but I can't seem to find what I want for wood or design. So, no, you aren't alone.

Posted (edited)

I have a box with some Welsh Love Spoon blanks, when I cut toy cars, there is a bit of waste wood, so I place a spoon pattern in those areas.  I drill and cut them out for later use. 

I also have a few small toy cars, I became concerned about the small parts and being a choking hazard.  I also have two airplanes, I am just trying to figure out the best way to mount the wings so they are strong. 

I also have five - 5 layer pieces of a farm scene.  I cut them out earlier this year.  But I need to hand-paint each layer and then glue them up.  I had my eye injury around the time I was completing cutting them out, but could not finish.  Maybe this fall/winter I will.

But the biggest one is an Intarsia piece I had all cut out and was shaping the pieces, still need to shape more then glue up and finish. JGR Seaside Serenity... the one with the beach chair and sunset.  I stopped mainly because, on FB scrollsaw groups, I was seeing everyone and their sister doing one. So many bought it and were producing them.  I have it on a shelf covered with a cloth.

Kind of an ego thing I guess.  I need to get into designing patterns for myself.  I do a few simple ones but need to step up my game..



Edited by rafairchild2

I have one project I haven't finished the top part of, but the bottom part of has sat in my shop for about 15 years now.  I keep telling my wife she doesn't have to remind me every six months to get it finished.  That woman is awful impatient!😂

Of course it will have to wait till I finish the others I have laying about the shop in various stages of completion.  Most of which I left unfinished because I got interested in other projects.



I like to keep patterns ready for small shapes that fit into more significant projects' waste areas. I have an extensive collection of these. I cut a dragon clock months ago and have not made a base. I also have several toy Hot Rod bodies. I cut all the parts for a toy airplane and never assembled it. I was going to put it together, and now I can't find it. I am sure there are more that I can't remember.


I guess maybe I'm the odd man out.. I can't sell a uncompleted project so once the pattern hits the wood I complete it.. Now, that might be a few weeks out if I get special custom orders etc. then the uncompleted project does happen as the order take priority but once that order is finished I go right back to where I left off. 

I sure wish I could sell uncompleted projects.. be nice sometimes to be able to box up a piece of wood, a pattern, and some saw blades to the customer.. 😂.. had a few customers over the years I felt like doing that too as well, LOL.. Unfortunately not all customers are great customers.. they should have customer reviews as they do seller reviews..😂 

Now I suppose it depends on what stage of uncompleted you're talking about.. I've got patterns that I've both purchased and many printed out but never did make them.. but like I said.. once that pattern is applied to the wood I finish it. 


I don't make stuff to sell and I'm not the world's most prolific scroller, so I do not have uncompleted projects sitting around.  Most things I make are for a specific purpose (generally a gift) and once I start, I take it through to completion.  I usually do not have more than one project in process at any given time either.  That helps keeping the focus on the one at hand and getting it done.


6 hours ago, Bill WIlson said:

I don't make stuff to sell and I'm not the world's most prolific scroller, so I do not have uncompleted projects sitting around.  Most things I make are for a specific purpose (generally a gift) and once I start, I take it through to completion.  I usually do not have more than one project in process at any given time either.  That helps keeping the focus on the one at hand and getting it done.


I always had more than one project going at one time and still do this. I have at least 10 different pens in various stages of complete sitting on the workbench right now. It is just who I am. If I cut and dimension wood for a project I always would plan on other jobs for that size wood so thus more than one project at a time. Now If I have to make a certain project for a customer or a friend or family member than sure I will do till completed. That goes without saying. But if no sales then you just do not shut saws down. you start other projects.  Doing one project at a time is soooo boring to me. My mind needs to be creating at all times when I am in shop mode.  

2 hours ago, BadBob said:

I have considered selling kits. Sell a toy with all the pieces cut.

I've been considering something similar that I haven't really seen anyone do.. and that is... lasering designs for kids to color with markers and then they can frame or gift them to someone.. Was going to give it a try with a couple small ornaments that can be colored.. I hand paint most all my laser cut ornaments and thought maybe kids would like to make mom / dad colored ornaments that they color. Probably a dumb idea but thought it might take off or might not..LOL

6 hours ago, kmmcrafts said:

I've been considering something similar that I haven't really seen anyone do.. and that is... lasering designs for kids to color with markers and then they can frame or gift them to someone.. Was going to give it a try with a couple small ornaments that can be colored.. I hand paint most all my laser cut ornaments and thought maybe kids would like to make mom / dad colored ornaments that they color. Probably a dumb idea but thought it might take off or might not..LOL

I sell one item as a kit: a skeleton that needs to be assembled. I have sold 10 of them. It has terrible photos, but I sell some around Halloween every year.


I just gotta chime in on this subject.  Maybe I have always been thinking I was the only one that started

many projects and for some reason decided to just not finish.  Like around a Dozen.  Some days I do\

inspect and try to understand WHY its it this Drawer or Shelf and ALL are is great condition and just

need some Finishing etc.  Anyway Yea DTR I will have things to do.  Hehe    Danny  :+}

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