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This is a global message to all Scroll Saw Village members.


We are moving to a different software platform in early October (You can read the announcement here). But, before we move, we have to do a bit of housekeeping.


We have a lot of members who signed up to access our excellent free pattern library or prefer to lurk in the forums & gallery, but have never posted. We welcome these members, but it’s hard to know which members are actively using Scroll Saw Village and which accounts are from those who lost interest.


To make things easy, we’ll be removing any account that doesn’t have at least 1 post in the forum (gallery comments don’t count).


Anyone who wishes to retain their membership status needs to have at least 1 post in the forums. If you’ve never posted before, you can start a thread in the Introductions forum to say hi and introduce yourself (we’d love to meet you). You can post a reply to an existing thread or start your own. Or you can simply reply to this announcement and say that you wish to keep your membership. Any of these options will put your post-count to at least 1 and your account won’t be deleted. (Naturally, if you’re actively posting already, this won’t be an issue.)


Please note our current anti-spam system requires moderator approval for your first post. So you may not see your post right away until it has been approved by an administrator. When a post is approved, an email is usually sent to say when your post was approved.


I’ll post another reminder the week before the move. You can also keep an eye on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/scrollsawvillage)for SSV updates.


If, after the software move, your account was deleted, you can still create a new account for free to access everything Scroll Saw Village has to offer.


Thanks for your help in making this move as smooth as possible.

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