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Painting question


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These is my Christmas project for family. 14 of them! I’m pretty much done with all the staining, but wanted the group’s opinion on painting two items. I was thinking about painting the bow red and the smaller fireplace flame yellow or just leave them as is. I highly regard your opinions on this! Thanks, Ray


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Very nice piece and am sure will be well received. The painting thing becomes tricky because where do you really want to stop. You can do the packages. You can do the green on the wreath and so on. If it is a wood scrollsawn project it might be best to leave it as such. But agree painting the ribbon can enhance it some. Very nice and have a Merry Christmas. 

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I think adding some color will enhance the very well scrolled piece.. Seems many people outside of woodworkers don't care as much for the plain ol wood grain and textures like many of the people that work with wood do.. I used to have a hard time adding color, but now that I have done some paint work onto my scroll sawn stuff I actually think it enhances the piece.. so that said I'd go for it.. 

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I'm kinda with JT on this.  Gotta be careful when painting something like this, because it may not blend as nicely as you want.

I'd be inclined to use dye instead of paint.  The dye will still allow the look of the wood to show through, so the contrast won't be quite as stark.  I'd probably only do the ribbon on the wreath and leave the fireplace flame as is.  Afterall, there are flames on the candles as well.  If you do one, should you do all?  You see the slippery slope you can end up on.

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