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Hello from Pennsylvania, USA

I've been a member for about 8 years but life took me away from scrolling for a while. Medical issues put me on disability so I have more time for hobbies now. Looking forward to spending more time at my saw. For Christmas, my wife got me a new Bauer 22" from Harbor Freight. I must say it's a really nice saw. I'm excited to reconnect with everyone and can't wait to start posting stuff.


On 1/22/2025 at 11:01 PM, wombatie said:

Welcome back Barry.  You have been missed.  Do you still love Dr. Who?


Hi Marg,

I lost interest when Jodi Whittaker took on the role. I've got to go back and give it a try. Hope all is well with you and your family.


On 1/22/2025 at 7:20 PM, Wichman said:

Welcome back to the village. Let us know how the saw works out for you. 😀


On 1/23/2025 at 11:21 AM, Denny Knappen said:

Welcome back to the Village forum from Tennessee.  I too would like a review of the Bauer.

I'll post a review soon.

On 2/1/2025 at 10:49 AM, Barry5180 said:

Hi Marg,

I lost interest when Jodi Whittaker took on the role. I've got to go back and give it a try. Hope all is well with you and your family.


We are all well thanks for asking.  Not able to see the new Dr Who because it was taken from the ABC (free to air) and only available on Disney (subscription only).  Hate it when they do that.  Terry quite liked Jodi in the role but David Tenant is still my favorite.


19 hours ago, wombatie said:

We are all well thanks for asking.  Not able to see the new Dr Who because it was taken from the ABC (free to air) and only available on Disney (subscription only).  Hate it when they do that.  Terry quite liked Jodi in the role but David Tenant is still my favorite.


For me it's Matt Smith and David Tenant. I have Disney subscription so I really have no excuse not to catch up on the series. I've had some issues over the last couple of years. I lost both my kidneys to cancer and now have dialysis three days a week. Then, to add insult to injury they took out part of my right lung because the kidney cancer had spread. Now I get an infusion every six weeks to hopefully knock out anything they haven't found. 

4 hours ago, Barry5180 said:

For me it's Matt Smith and David Tenant. I have Disney subscription so I really have no excuse not to catch up on the series. I've had some issues over the last couple of years. I lost both my kidneys to cancer and now have dialysis three days a week. Then, to add insult to injury they took out part of my right lung because the kidney cancer had spread. Now I get an infusion every six weeks to hopefully knock out anything they haven't found. 

I am so very sorry to hear of your health problems I do hope you are on the other side of it all now.  You certainly had a rough time.
It is certainly good to see you back in the Village.


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