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Good morning RoseMary and welcome to the Village. We have several active members in Wisconsin and maybe one of the is close to you and can help. You can also search for a local woodworking club for help. Hang in there as the scroll saw is a fun and useful tool.


Hi RoseMary,  It can be frustrating at first but just try a little at a time.  Being self-taught I started with cutting silhouettes and went really slow.  I find that using a scroll saw is almost the same as using a sewing machine.  Like you I am a visual type of person.  It's easier for me if someone can show me how something is done.  As Dan says there are several members in Wisconsin.  Have you checked with your local school to see if they have a woodworking/scroll saw class?  As for tuning your saw check to see if their is repair shop in your general area.  Check with your local hardware or do you a hobby lobby in your area?  You might find someone that way.  It takes time, Patiences and a lot of practice.  Hang in there you will master this.  

Posted (edited)

Welcome to the Village.  Moving in here is a good start.  On the big blue bar at the top of the page, put your cursor on "Resources" and select "How to Articles".   Good info there.  Hopefully, you can find someone close because it is great fun to have a friend that you see to visit with and learn from.  I had a few close enough to do that with, but it seems like after a visit or two with me they move away! 🥴  It must be something I do; I am a little strange,  so I have been told.

If you cannot find someone, do not give up. YouTube is a great friend, and you can get tons of info here just by asking questions.

What saw do you have, what kind of scrolling to you think you are most interested in doing?

Edited by Scrappile
Posted (edited)


I started here only 4 yrs ago.  I struggled at first. I asked many questions on this village. I showed pictures. I asked more questions.  After about 3 months, I made the decision to continue.

I had an entry level scrollsaw and was deciding sell it or use it. So I searched this village and tried a few projects.   I was hooked after getting past my struggles. I liked it so much that I got a better scrollsaw used, and it helped my struggles with tension of blades. 

This group also shares it's projects with pictures, it helps up my effort. There are many masters here, I can't ever match their quality.  But I learned that my projects don't have to be compared to the masters. But I do like my projects. 

A few of them told me that patterns a guide, missing cuts or going outside lines is ok. Relaxing and enjoying the experience is important also.  Lower your shoulders let the blade teeth do the work. Enjoy the detail work that the tool can do.

The villagers also share their struggles.  We now all pitch in from our learnings. Even me sometimes.

So let us help. Ask us questions with pictures.


Mark Eason


Edited by preprius

Greetings from Texas and welcome to the Village.  We all struggled getting started.  Having someone to talk to about the hobby is a great help and you have that right here at the Village!  You will find a mix of others just getting started and asking the same questions you have and experienced scrollers with answers.

BTW, what kind of scroll saw do you have?  What problems are you having with it?  

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