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What's On Your Bench/saw


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It's getting close to the holiday season, so was just wondering what is everyone working on? I have two intarsia projects in the last stages. One is a deer and the other is a sailboat. Both will be finished this weekend (I hope). Then I have a portrait to cut, a couple pens, and then a couple more intarsia projects. busy busy.

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I am doing little persoanlized sleighs for Christmas dinner. I have cut all the bodies, runners and most of one side. Still have the other side plus the personalization. Doing 20 of these. I have included a copy of the prototype. Changed the runners to no year with a few frets plus I am going to paint the runners gold.


Doing a 8 x 10 Jigssaw puzzle for my Mom. (She'll be 98 and still loves puzzles). Cutting a photo of her 5 great grand kids on my side.


Running a class at the club to make Rocking Horses. Making one myself but not required for Christmas.


Turning a couple Pepper Mills and stitch pullers for gifts.


I was on track until I got a really bad cold that has kept me out of the shop for 2 weeks. I am sure it is the dust that sets off the coughing. Going to buy new dust mask today so I can get back at it.


I just love Christmas when I can make some gifts myself.



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Working on 2 fretwork clocks. One is a Christmas present, the other is for us.


One is the Santa's Workshop clock from The Art Factory.


The other is the Black Forest clock from the Winfield Collection.


Working on each and hope to have them done by the end of November or before.



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Been cutting a lot of Sheila's holly ornaments and plaques.. I think I'm up to 5 plaques, and about 40 ornaments.. working on another 5 of last years ribbon plaques.. This should fill out the show on the 3rd.. Have prob 20+ pens and some bottle stoppers and a few other scrolled items.. got started late preparing this year.. Next year I hope to have more stuff.. Once the fair is done, I have a couple orders that I need to start working on too. I'm prob pretty filled up till Dec.. By then it will prob be too cold to do much else in the shop, and it will be break time till next March...

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I knew you'd come thru with a boat ,that aboy!Thats a truck load of ornaments yeips!

Haha!, I know, the boats are an addiction. I already did a pile of Halloween decorations I sold at work. It's not just me though, got the wife a saw and she's been busy too. She did about a third of what we got done.
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Thank goodness ... nothing !!!!! I have been working for the last 2 months for a show this weekend and I am finally finished !!!!!!

Can't wait until it's all over with and I can sit back and relax a bit. At least if sales aren't good I will have plenty of inventory to fall back on for Christmas gifts.

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