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I'm the same way. I prefer a spray on acrylic finish. 3 coats or so. I like acrylic because of the low odor, which is important because I do my finishing in the house. Steve Good likes to use the Lemon Oil. That works really good. Again, low odor (actually kinda nice). The oil doesn't offer any protection, so after its dry, I spray on a few coats of acrylic finish. The oil really brings out the grain of the wood. I only do this on oak or other hardwoods, though. With BB Ply I only use acrylic and usually paint poplar.


for all fretwork i dip in natural danish oil and let dry...depending on the wood, i may dip a second time.


i've also used danish oil for rubbing on natural frames.


for a shiny finish on frames, spray with shellac and let dry for 15 minutes, then rub w/ steel wool, then apply a paste wax and buff. :)


I use brush on poly. I tried some Watco Danish oil one time on some walnut and it still wasn't dry after a few days. Could it be that the oil was too old? I used it straight out of the can, should I have thinned it some?


...I tried some Watco Danish oil one time on some walnut and it still wasn't dry after a few days. Could it be that the oil was too old? I used it straight out of the can, should I have thinned it some?



I hear boiled linseed oil is like that. I think the formula is 1/2 BLO and 1/2 mineral spirits. But I'd imagine if you get something right off the store shelf, it should be OK right out of the can. But if you're having trouble, maybe thin it and see if that works better.


I'm new to scrolling so I generally use the same finish I've always used for my woodburning........either spray on acrylic or waterbased polyurethane. Low odor is a big thing for me because I have very severe asthma and really hate wearing a mask.


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