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Broke out the old Craftsman! This saw is a 1952 accordimg to Sears many years ago. I wanted to get parts and they told me, it was too old-- a 52 model! So I made the part I needed; it has been running on home-made parts for at least 45 years.


I bought it new in late 1953 after the REA finally came to the hinterllands of the lost world! WESTERN North DAKOTA


The reason I brought it back out is safety! My 8 year old granddaughter has an interest. This is the safest power saw I have ever seen. I have put my fingers against the running blade many times.


It runs an electromagnet against a spring steel plate, not a motor. The strokes are around 1/8 inch-- so skin easily moves that far!


The pictures were takne about 1/2 hour ago. I was pleased to see it STILL WORKS!


The R in the one pictture wass cut a little while ago, just before photo-time!



Dose anyone have an older one that does>





ANSWER TO BLADES 5" pin end-- get them anywhere.


My best blade supplier that I have found since that saw was new; is ----- http://www.pozsgaide.../index.htm-----






Answer for Marge-- I bought it new; so I must be older than the saw also!


Frank is a sawer himself and a great guy, I actually live about 2 miles from him. Found him accidentally, discovered I actually knew him as the Guy from ACE!

The Ace I shop at all the time.

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