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I was a member of the boards years ago (don't remember the log in/user name so started a new account). I haven't been scrollsawing for about 2yrs as life and health got in the way, but I have just made my way through all the junk in the basement and found my workshop again. Looking forward to participating with all of you :)


I do have a facebook page "Wendy's Wood Crafts" which is my ... uhh.. brag page for friends and family. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wendys-Wood-Crafts/117556269579


I tried selling things, but found that it was a costly and time consuming process, so am not just letting things stack up in the shop unless a friend expresses interest. Any advise on this would always be appreciated!


Welcome back Wendy. I only sell thing by word of mouth, I do a lot of " for love " cuttings and I'm happy with that. I guess if you do what your happy with thats the main thing because lets face it none of are going to get rich from it unless you start off rich.




Thanks Marg, I do tend to just do word of mouth, I'm happy to just have people pay me shipping costs and any money I do make goes right back into stuff for my shop. I find being in my shop such a stress relief, I actually picked it up to fight a bad case of post partum and was not allowed to spend time on my own so stayed at my parents house for hours each day and my mom had just bought a scroll saw.


a few years ago I was into intarsia and I sold several pieces but only because people saw them and ask how much I wanted for them.....we have a yearly bazaar in our little town and someone ask me to participate in it so I got busy and made about 20 sum pieces and a nice display board. I had a lot of really nice admirers and comments but my things were $125 to $175 each and they were too much for the quick last minute buyers and I only ended up selling one of my items for $175. The thing that i discovered in preparing for it, was that I HAD to produce things in order to have a good variety to offer. I found that I lost the fun of making something for someone just because they really wanted something or I was making for a gift for someone I loved. I would much rather make things because it pleases someone and it gives me great pleasure to make the item. I started scrolling because I liked the instant gratification of making something in a few minutes or maybe three hours, instead of 7 or 8 days to complete..I love to scroll things just for my own pleasure of giving them away..I make things for our church, birthdays, and holiday decorations. My advice would be " do it because you enjoy it." Have fun with your saw and bring pleasure to those you love....that is my view and many do not agree with it ....but there is no demands or expectation and a lot of enjoyment for yourself.



I took some time to look at your Facebook link and I have to say that I enjoyed your work a lot because I can tell by what you cut that you do enjoy scrolling. Your things are original, for the most part,or at least I have not seen most of them before...I hope you continue to display your things here in the village for all to see. Do you share any of your patterns? I have seen several that I would like to make too..I have not made many patterns of my own but I am learning in the Village University so that I will understand that part better....

Posted (edited)

I have been collecting patterns for the 12 yrs that I have been doing scrolling, and have several hundred saved on my computer LOL. They are all either free patterns from the web, or collected from scroll saw books I've purchased or borrowed from the library, though I have purchased patterns that I couldn't resist. I've also gotten a number of patterns from stencil books, and Pumpkin carving sites at Halloween. And lastly I have a number of patterns that were from paper cutting as well as clip art that isn't copyrighted. Money has and still is a hurdle for me (as I'm sure it is for most) so I've done my best to search the web over the years for as many free patterns as I possibly could find. I usually get the bug and will spend a day or two just searching the web.


I do love cutting, and a big reason I didn't enjoy selling was I don't want to keep making the same thing everytime. LOL when I feel the bug to be in my shop, I go to the computer, search out the patterns that interest me, print them out and head downstairs to my shop.

Edited by Charise2012

Yep there's more way of having fun with the scroll saw.to each his or her own!I urge everyone to try every aspect of scrolling to get a taste of what can be accomplished with it.a lot of times you can mix it up to hide a mistake and end up with a much more desireable project..Were all about creativety.Thanks so much Charise2012 for joining the club.and im sure you'll be a big asset to us ,enjoy and merry christmas!

Posted (edited)

I guess I am lucky. Our local Goodwill Store has a separate section called "The Talent Shop". Any crafter over 50 years of age can join. The one time joining fee is $50.00. Items that they have hand made are sold there. The crafter sets the price, and the shop keeps 35% with 65% given to the crafter. At first I thought the 35% was high, but it sure beats having the finished projects pile up at home. I don't sell a lot of items, but if a check comes next week for any Christmas items sold it will make me feel good that someone liked it enough to pay money for it. The shop is staffed by volunteers.

Last year I had made a rack for my granddaughter to display her karate belts on as she progresses through the different levels. This year she requested that I make 3 more for her friends. Had to ship them all the way to Florida from Wisconsin, but I guess the young ladies were pleased.

Edited by reby

Good morning, happy New Year, I also think the key is doing what you love to do, and if you make a few dollars in the process well that is nice as well..I do craft fairs and festivals around the state of Oklahoma, and have found that part of the problem with selling our art form is the confusion between lazer and scroll saw..selling actually becomes a teaching session, however once people understand the difference between the two processes they are more apt to make a purchase..

However like it has also been said you aren't going to get rich selling your art work, I have been able to cover expenses and if lucky make a dollar here there and yonder. So once again it goes back to doing what you love...

Welcome back to the village...


Hi Wendy,welcome back to the village i note from your last post you mentioned that you have made a rack for your Grandaughter to display her karata belts.I have a Grandson in the U S A which has three belts for Karata and i would like to make him a belt rack but i am not sure of the type of design which would be suitable would you be good enough to advise.


Posted (edited)


I don't have a pattern. I found pictures of karate belt racks and then designed the rack from those. Unfortunately I am not computer literate enough to attach a photo here. But if you look on Etsy you can get ideas. On mine I had a 'torri" style top, and scrolled the girls' name out of BB plywood and two figures of girls in karate poses and glued them on the top. Then there were 10 wood strips below for the belts to be velcroed to. They were 16" long & 1/2" apart. Overall it was probably @ 30"H x 25" wide. Sorry I can't be more help.

Edited by reby

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