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This is a dresser I'm restoring for my BIL, I stripped the paint and stained it red mahagony. I applied one coat of spray on polly yesterday morning, let it dry till this afternoon and applied a second coat and this side ended like this. It's like it turned into white powder after bubbling up. I've never seen it like this before. I have to have it done by Monday night and this happens! Any ideas?


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  • 9 months later...

my guess is that the stripping material was not fully removed and the two materials used on this project were not compatable. or perhaps one material was water based and the other an oil base. or even perhaps it is like using one based items like laquer and poly eurothane.  look and see if the materials you used on it and see if one uses laquer thinner to clean the brushes and the other uses paint thinner. if so I would guess that is your problem...

  I really have very little knowledge whenit comes to something like this, but I remember earlier in the summer I tried to clean my laquer spray gun with paint thinner by mistake and it caused the remaining laquer in my gun to turn into something that looks like a thin rubber like you might find in thin rubber protection gloves..

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