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DW 788... big problem!!!


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Howdy all...


I was just doing some cutting on my 788. While threading a hole my foot accidently touched the pedal while the arm was up. It made a funny noise. I finished getting ready for the cut. I stepped on the pedal. Nothing. Keep in mind that I only TOUCHED the pedal - just a tap - nothing more.


The first thing I checked was the pedal... I plugged in the light and it was working fine. I then noticed what looked like a reset button on or near the motor. I depressed this, held it for about 60 seconds, and still nothing. I do know that it isn't one of my house breakers because everything else I plugged into the same plug works. I am at a loss as to what happened. Surely I didn't burn the motor, did I??? I'm in panic mode here.


Hoping some of the great wisdom that I get from here all the time will come through and get me up and running again.



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After I put up my post about my problem I went back down to the shop. Just for fun I had a look up in one of the cupboards to see if I could find the manual. I wasn't holding my breath over it because I am notorious for misplacing manuals. Who needs them right? Well lo and be hold, there it was!!! I couldn't believe my good fortune. I came to the page with some fuse info and knew that my problem was solved. I went up to the electronics store and got the new fuses, rushed back home to put them in. Success!!! Learning something new every day.



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I blew one of those fuses also! I have no idea how I did it. That was about 2-1/2 years ago. I have used it a lot harder since and never blown another one. I do keep a few in the same box; that I keep my blades in.



Happy New Year and A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of the sawdusters!

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Can you tell us where the fuse is located and the size (amp rating) of it just in case some of us don't have an owners manual.


OK I answered my own question here is the link and the fuse should be avaliable at any radio shack type store

its item 112 on the diagram


Edited by qlty
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