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hi my name is thomas I got into scrollin about a year or so. I got a Ryobi scrollsaw from  my wife for x-mass I keep snaping my blades what am I doing wrong ?????? someone please help


Wrong saw:)  I do understand your frustrations, I started out with the same unit and almost gave up entirely on Scrolling, however I did see the potential of what could be done and I bought the bullet and bought an Excalibur and have not looked back.  The only way I can compare using the 2 is like driving a car with a flat and half the cylinders firing.  Now with that all said don't get discouraged.  Grab you some scrap lumber and play around a bit with the cutting.  Also don't skimp on the blades or it will add to the grief.  Go with Flying Dutchman, Olson, Online or some blade of that caliber.  Remember to try to tension the blade so you get that ping (it will actually hold its tone for a short time) Also you cant move the blade more than 1/8" or so.  Put the blade in the holder and turn the tension till you hear that sweet sound, you will know when you hear it.  Next take your time and don't push too hard and let the blade do the work.  Also I don't recommend setting the speed over half way, its tempting to turn it up but I learned the hard way on this one.  Like I said I started with this unit and at times it will rattle your teeth, but it will get the job done, don't give up.  Good luck.


Welcome BIGTOM,Your in great hands here with scrolling questions and they are to be directed to the proper forum but i'll make an excepion as your a newbee.lol there are many reasons for your blades to break and experience is a costly way of correcting the problem.that;s where we come in ,Your new ssv friends.Probable a good start for a newcomer is the sight un seen one of touching the blades on the ends where they are clamped in.the oil on your fingers will cause them to slip out and break on you.Papa brett said one i have'nt heard of here on the forum but yes he said pushing to hard will do it to and faster than anything for a cause of breakage.To little tightness is a big cause too.Tighten them up like the thin e- string on a guitar.To fast a start up speed with any of these problems will break it immediaetly.To much tightness on the blade clamps will break the blades also and the skinnyer the blade the quicker it will break and even before you turn on the machine on.wore out used machines will do it to .I've wore out demil scrollsaws to where i had to cut a 1/4 " off the blade to get them to be able to adjust them tight.And there's more reasons too.But i'll let someone else chime in with them so you'll make some more new helpful friends here.Thanks for joining ours and yours ssv club.


Hey Bigtom, the reply from papabrett2011 could have been written by me. I started with a single speed 16" Ryobi and used it for a few years. I guess you could call it "learning the trade". But it broke blades galore and every time it did, it scared the beejesus out of me. I ended up quitting scrolling for a few years, but the desire to scroll gnawed at me. Like papabrett, I bit the bullet and bought an Excalibur 21" and WOW, what a difference. I very seldom ever break blades anymore, and if I do, I hardly notice it. No more vibration either. I still have my Ryobi though and use it at the cottage. Good luck.



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