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I got my new 788 a couple of days ago. Are there any suggestions from anyone on what I should do right away as far as getting it set up? I sanded and waxed the table and of course got rid of those pesky guards :) Any other advise would be greatly appreciated.


When your ready to ready to set it up in it's permanent position, you should have something like a 2x4 or something like that under the back legs. Doing so elevates the saw so that it's much easier to see what your cutting, plus, I've found that doing this seems to make sawing easier on the arms and shoulders.



Also, is it common when putting tension on the blade to be able to max it out or do I need to have the tension set up on it. Maybe it's because I'm not used to it but it seems to me the blade could be a bit tighter


Rteubner, I set the tension on mine by sound, pluck the blade with your thumb nail and it should ping or sound like a high pitched guitar string does. I don't own a Dewalt scroll saw I own an EX21, but most of these things your asking about pertain to most, if not all scroll saws. With you being new and all, why not check out Steve Goods scrollers site also? I forget what his address is, but if you google him it will show up. He has lots of info and tips, for someone just starting out.



Rocky as far as blade tension what i do with mine and it takes a little practice is once you have the blade in the top clamp put a litle downward pressure on the clamp they tighten the thumb screw. Mine is an older 788 but it should work for yours as well. You don't need much pressure, this should help. also you may want to invest in a upper arm lift to help hold the arm up. I went the homemade way and use a bungie cord to a steel bracket bolted to the back of my stand. Experiment with what works for you.



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