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Excellent variety on your site hank,your 3d items set everything off nicely.Welcome to the village.First thing I picked up on was the quality and love of what you do in all your wood work.Were going to enjoy having you here with us.Make some friends here and have a ball scrolling .Welcome again!


welcome to the villiage hank, We don't think of ourseves as old just well seasoned like a good cast iron skillet. Have fun and if ya got questions ask or if ya got tips give em up, we're not to seasoned to still learn LOL




Hi Hank,

     I read some of the welcome posts here and just had to go and check out your web sight. I have to agree that  you have been a busy man and I love the variety in your work.  You have a lot of very nice things. I hope you make the time to become active on the Village, because the people on here are extremely friendly and have many challenging and fun things to share. We like to post a lot of our patterns on here and share them with each other. If that appeals to you, you might like to do the same and see how others do with your ideas. It is a fun way to participate.

Welcome to The Village. Hope to see you around a lot.

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