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issue with squareing the blade.

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i got a used dewalt scrollsaw (Craigslist) and have a problem getting the blade square.

the top of the blase meets the material first, if the blase is mounted securely. i can get the blade square but the blade is barely held by the screw in the bottom.

A am checking the web to see is this is an issue others have seen.


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i'm thinking maybe the the degree wheel on the front is missing the washer with an extension piece that fits into the degree angle as a possibility .Other previous owner modifications could be the culprit too.We'll just wait on your pictures to get a birds eye view as to the problem .You could go to replacement parts .com and download the photos of the in and outsides of the dewaltlt and see if all the parts are there and in the correct position.

Edited by amazingkevin
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