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Hi everyone.


I can try and give you the "Readers Digest Version" of my start in woodworking (but don't hold your breath... I get windy lol)...


When I couldn't afford $100 for a campsite sign, my husband purchased a B&D rotary tool for me.  I took my computer creative skills to wood at that point, and designed a sign, transferred it to wood, and used the rotary tool and cut it.  I went from there to making memo boards, when I found the scroll saw.  I found a chat room "Free Scroll Saw Patterns" where I met my first group of really great scrollers, like Arpop, and Blade.  There were many more, but their nicknames escape me.  My first scroll saw was a Delta 16", that served me well, and had it until a break-in on my shop this past fall, where the no-good, lousy, (oh never mind, I'll just get nasty & vulgar in my name calling...) took my beloved scroll saw, and approximately another $3000.00 in tools and equipment.


Luckily, I had insurance that took care of most of my loss, and with the policy I had, I was able to replace my Delta with the Excalibur scroll saw.  (Living the saying "make a positive out of a negative") and I'm still on the learning curve with this great machine.  Cutting with this one is almost like cutting with a spiral blade for me; not sure why, but it is.


I've done clocks, shelves, portraits, and the like with my scroll saw, when a few years ago I decided to try my hand at routing, where I found another love.  I cut custom wood signs, freehand.  I have three routers, (two full size, one trim) and use my scroll saw for cutting the shape of the sign, and for fancy cutting; like my Michigan-shaped wine bottle holders. 


My workshop is a gutted out motorhome someone had been using to cart artwork, so there was no seats, beds, sinks, not even a potty in this bad boy.  Just two shelves, and open space.  We took it and made it into a workshop.  My husband built all the stands and work table (with a return), with the exception of the collapsible miter saw table, which was a team build, and ended up using it as my sanding station, since it's right behind my work table.  In the back, he built me a stock room, drying room, and a broom closet (which holds all the "maintenance" items for the camper), put up a cupboard for my stains and such, and put in peg board all over the walls to hold all the little gizmos and gadgets I'm forever needing.  I call my workshop "Beastie" because he looks like something only the Addams Family would own, and looks like something out of a demon movie when he's goin' down the road.  Completely all black; I'm still undecided if Beastie will get a facelift or not. 


Being in such quarters, I utilize my shop vac to help keep sawdust down by attaching it to whatever tool I'm using, or a dust collector, and of course use a mask with filters when I work, as well as good ear protectors, although, if you come in, the first thing you notice (especially in the cold) there's more air flow in that thing than you realize in the warm weather.  Living in an apartment, this was the best I could do for a work space.  I've made it work, and plan on using him on the road for craft shows when we get him running properly.  And since we were able to get an awning put on him,  weather permitting, I can work up under the awning.








Hi, Welcome to the village, I am Mahendra from India, sorry to hear about the break in at your shop . You did make a positive out of a negative situation and nice to know your back in action with your tools. Now you have a Rolls Royce of scroll saws The Excalibur:-)

Come in and join the fun and share your work and experince with our friendly bunch here.

Anything you wish to know just go ahead and ask the friendly follks around here will respond quickly.

More welcomes to follow:-) nice to have you on board.



I also wish to welcome you to our scroll sawing family. come here often and you will learn to love our members. Everyone is here to have fun and share their talents with each other. I, for one, am very glad you shared your story and photos. I found it to be quite interesting. Glad to have you on board


Well Barb, (I assume thats short for Barbara)  I agree with Bob, That was the best intro I have read in any of the forums. Sorry for your break in and loss of tools, but the most important thing was you were not hurt in the robbery. You didn't let it get you down and replaced your saw(with the Rolls Royce of saws) and replaced other tools too. You have a very nice workshop, and it's laid out great inside, and one advantage is that in cold weather you can start the engine and turn on the heat.

I'd like to give you a big welcome to the forum from Cornwall in the U.K.  and I look forward to seeing some of your work.



Posted (edited)

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. :D


While my main work of late has been with my routers creating custom signs, I still love my scroll saw, and have many patterns; so many, in fact, that every time I pull them out, the other half groans lol.  (I have a case of paper box top full, with an additional two 4" binders full of patterns from my last scroll saw group)


Scroll saw patterns make amazing patterns as well for my router, with slight modifications.  If I can find the pictures of my scroll projects I've done, I'll try and get them posted.


And Bob, my name is Barb.  Some people call me Barbie; especially since my husbands' name is Ken :lol:

Edited by OutoftheWoodwork

Hi Barb, welcome to the Village.  I'm Marg from Australia.  I really love your workshop its soooooo very different.  Sorry about your break in but you were not hurt and that is the main thing the rest is just material easily replaced eventually.



Posted (edited)

Thanks, Marg.  He serves his purpose, and is quite the conversation piece, that's for sure.


As for the break in, yeah, no one was there; just the timing was the complete pits.  I had just gotten a contract with a local wine shoppe to make about 20 wine bottle holders, when this happened.  Luckily, a friend from my router forum who lives locally assisted me in getting those cut and out in a decent timely manner.



Edited by OutoftheWoodwork

Welcome Barb and ken,your going to fit in nicely here with loads of friendly helpful folks ready to help all we can.I've been scrolling out of my car 3-4 years and never though about a mini Winnie to scroll out of.That the cats butt for ingenuity.i does'nt get much better than that.yes we'd love to see pictures of your work,shows etc.We accept videos too here of you in action with your tools.it's going to a great year with all the new faces coming in to the village this year,thanks for finding us!ENJOY !

Posted (edited)

Thanks, Kevin.  :)


Beastie has been a great little workshop, but I have to make sure I keep things picked up in there, since out of the 25 feet, the entire back is stock room and storage of some sort lol


We actually found an acrylic house that someone had used as a model for some air cleaner-turned Barbie doll house,-turned drying house, now.  That's been put in a small area in the back for drying, without the worry of getting sawdust on them while the poly dries.


As for pictures, I put some up under the Bragging Rights Thread, if you're interested.

Edited by OutoftheWoodwork

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