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Todays Haul

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Love days like today. went up to my Neighbors and weedeated then started loading the lumber they promised. After one snake scare in which i ran over my wife getting away from snake who was by the way scootin as fast as it could the other way from us heres the result. Not bad for a half days work. Cherry,walnut ,red oak , white oak and poplar. walnut is awesume ,about 10 peices 2"x6"x 14' long , about 4 cherry the same size . thats what i truly was after. OBTW wife and snake are recuperating well. LOL LOL LOL





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Better make the wife something nice now Sully after showing how much you cared for her by putting yourself first.  By the way my husband did exactly the same thing to my daughters and I when he thought he saw a snake turned out to be a blue tongue lizard. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



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Roy funny ou should mention that -- the wood load is nothing compared to the load i carry to shows.Between the concrete i carry to hold down the canopy 400lb , and the concrete pavers we use for the fence/baricade 200lb and the rest of the product and settup ,i probably carry over 1000lb going to and from a show. I know i bottom out the springs a doxen times in the trip when i hit a bump. Not complainin as she's been a great truck for being 15 years old and 150k. Might have put 1000 in repairs in all that time includeing oil changes. Still runs like a champ. Someday I might upgrade to a 3/4 ton or a van but i'll take my Ford Nascar 150 to heaven with me.LOL LOL LOL



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Sully, in all seriousness, I know you have poisonous snakes there, If I had been there at the time I would probably have run over your wife before you got that far (even with only one good leg lol)  It's just our Brit way of having fun, if something scares us (or anyone) you either sit there shaking in your boots or make fun of it - I prefer the latter. (hope you didn't take offense)



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